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Surgery dates postponed again and again

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:05 pm
by trossi
So I just wanted to know if this is uncommon.
I've been in braces for close to a year, I was suppose to be surgery ready in December, Now it was suppose to be May.
Anyway, I went to my surgeon today and it turns out my orthodontist closed my bite when he was suppose to be opening it. Now I can't have upper jaw surgery until he reopens my bite.
My surgery is now booked for october 5th.
I've just decided to give up hopes on anything going as planned and I'm going to just let it play out as it should.
Okay, is it right that the surgeon and orthodontist aren't in contact about this stuff? Is this fair?

Re: Surgery dates postponed again and again

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:58 pm
by IrishRed81
Hi, I just got braces on Wednesday and the prior Wednesday I had Oral surgery. My Ortho, Dentist and Oral Surgery were all in contact for my procedures. They all consulted each other and I had only somewhat minor oral surgery 3 root tip extractions and 2 exposures. I would talk to your Oral Surgeron and Ortho to see if you can get them on the same page. Hopefully you will get your you surgery sooner than later and there will be no more confusion. Good Luck.