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Time off work for SARPE

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:26 am
by redwine
I've looked and looked but can't find a thread that addresses this issue. Probably just missed it. Anyhow, can anyone tell me how much time they took off work for SARPE and whether or not they wished they had taken more (or less)? I have a fairly sedentary job, but must spend quite a lot of time talking. Right now I have scheduled from Dec 18 (day of surgery) through December Dec 26th, with the option of going through Jan 2nd. I heal pretty quickly, and after having my deviated septum fixed three weeks ago, I had no problems at all from the anesthesia. I understand swelling will be an issue, but have no problems being seen with bruising/swelling. I just want to know when I will feel well enough to work, and have the energy to actually do my job. Thanks for any and all replies! PS - I'm 56, in pretty good shape, and am super-compliant... almost obsessively so.

Re: Time off work for SARPE

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:05 pm
by e77
I haven't yet had my SARPE surgery, it is scheduled for Jan 15. I plan on taking off work from Jan 15-21. From talking to others who have had the surgery, they agree this should be enough time. I am also an adult (mid-thirties) and am really nervous about the expander and the gap! Good luck to you, I hope all goes well with your surgery! And let me know if 7-8 days was enough time to take!

Re: Time off work for SARPE

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:13 am
by redwine
Trying hard not to even think about the expander. I'd like to say I don't care about the gap, but I do. I'm not sure why I don't care about swelling, but do care about the gap. Oh well, I guess I'm just a little closer to getting it all over with. I'll let you know about the time off. I get fitted for the expander on the 4th and have a long list of questions for the Ortho. The expander goes in on the 12th, so I'll have a few days to try to get used to it. I say try, 'cause I don't really think I'll get used to it - ever! I'll let you know how it goes! Luck to us both!

Re: Time off work for SARPE

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 8:40 pm
by e77
Oh I am terrified of the gap! I'm still not sure how I am going to do all this... I got the separators in on Thursday and they are painful and hard to eat with so I know that expander is going to be a huge pain. I am most worried about the gap and talking funny. Ugh. Will SARPE be your only surgery or do you have another in future?

Re: Time off work for SARPE

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:59 am
by redwine
Lower jaw surgery comes next year sometime. Either August, or more likely around the holidays...again. Well, that's two holiday seasons I don't have to worry about gaining weight. I'm getting the spacers tomorrow. I already have brackets on which will be removed, so ortho says it won't be too bad. We'll see...

Re: Time off work for SARPE

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:41 pm
by surusuru
It will deppends on the amount of swelling, It's not very nice to go outside with your face looking like a balloon. I took off 3 weeks, but with 2 weeks I think It's OK.

Re: Time off work for SARPE

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:07 pm
by Vantwins
I'd say take off two weeks. I had sarpe last week and just started to get back to normal probably on Day 8. I'm on day 11 now and still have some discomfort and I tire easily.

Re: Time off work for SARPE

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:40 am
by redwine
I was wondering about energy levels. Good feedback - I think I'm just going to wait and see how it goes as far as time off is concerned. Anyone else want to put in their two cents? I'm one of those people who wants to get on with things as quickly as possible, and sometimes I push too hard, and too quickly.

Re: Time off work for SARPE

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:50 am
by Vantwins
Good luck with your surgery! Have you read through the SARPE board?

Re: Time off work for SARPE

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:25 am
by redwine
I've read and read (all 105? pages) and can't remember what I read or where I read it!

Re: Time off work for SARPE

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 8:20 pm
by e77
How did you surgery go Redwine? I hope you are recovering well!

Re: Time off work for SARPE

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 4:01 am
by redwine
Surgery included some unexpected bleeding and an overnight stay at hosp. No room at the inn, so I spent part of the night in a noisy holding area, and the remainder in a quieter holding area. No sleep for first 24 hours, no ice at all, no decongestant, much pain. Had I known then, I would have taken: a whole lot of ice packs, my own decongestant, some Lunesta (I have a prescription) and possibly some earplugs. I took some ice packs to use for the drive home and used them very early on. Painkillers make me hyper, but getting something to counteract that was almost impossible. I have almost no experience being the hospital for myself, and felt fairly powerless. Not to mention frustrated, uncomfortable and in pain. I thought I was lucky to have my surgery done by such a prestigious place, but I'm gonna try to get a different surgeon and hospital for the BSSO. I spoke with the surgeon right after we finished (I don't remember), and since then, I spoke with him by phone once, about 24 hours later. And that's it! Yeah, I'm frustrated. I didn't know this was going to be a DIY process! Guess I'd better start studying for the BSSO.

Re: Time off work for SARPE

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 9:32 pm
by e77
Oh no, I'm so sorry your experience didn't go so well. Hopefully you are recovering better at home. I hope you are feeling ok and have a great holiday. Keep me updated with your progress.

Re: Time off work for SARPE

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 10:55 am
by redwine
Back at work today, but only for about 6 hours. May try to work all day tomorrow & Friday, but not making any committments. I'm getting activated today! That's the most exciting thing so far. Bruises and swelling are still pretty horrendous, but hopefully they'll be gone by the time the gap starts.
I may have to add to the SARPE Surgery thread - things to do before you go. Biggest thing? Have a patient advocate who has been somewhat educated in the procedure be with you at the hospital or surgery center. I think if I had been packed in ice at the hospital, I would look and feel better now. I also think if my nurse had been given proper instructions, and been provided with nasal spray to give me from the beginning, it would have saved a lot of pain and pain meds. I had to explain to my nurse what SARPE was. Oddly, I saw other patients wheeled in & out swaddled in ice. The next morning, when I asked the resident why no ice, he said" I told the nurse..." and his voice faded and he looked away. I think he forgot. Which is where an advocate comes in. Next year, for the BSSO, my sister is coming for a few days to be at, and "on" my side. She's nice, but firm and will do what is necessary to keep things on their proper course.
Okay, stepping off my soapbox now :crazy:

Re: Time off work for SARPE

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:49 pm
by redwine
So, regarding time off work: surgery was on the 18th, I was back at work 6 hrs daily on the 26th, 27th & 28th. I don't have to move about a lot, so it wasn't too bad. Then I was off the 29th - 1st, back full time on the 2nd. I'm getting through the days okay, but after doing a few things at home and eating, I'm ready for bed. I've been sleeping very well - unusual for me. I was in pretty good - excellent shape going in, but I'm sure my age has been a factor in the healing process. Really glad to have this part behind me. If I were to do it again, I'd say take a minimum of 10 days off.