Facial aesthetics after surgery

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Facial aesthetics after surgery

#1 Post by tonightwefly »

Even though I am emotionally ready for orthognathic surgery, I'm worried about how the surgery will affect my facial proportions, especially the facial features not directly related to my jaw deformity. For example, I've read that moving the upper jaw can affect the shape of the nose, possibly widening the base of it. I'm not sure about this other fact, but is it true you may find a part of your face saggier after surgery?

I have read that most patients who have undergone bimaxiliary osteomies are delighted by their drastically improved cosmetic results. I am a bit concerned about the "drastic" part. Being female, and admittedly a little vain, I worry about these unexpected changes that might come along with jaw surgery. My jaw is slightly longer on one side, resulting in facial asymmetry and uneven eyes. This is most noticeable in photos, so I often take photos with my face at an angle. But apart from these concerns, I already have quite a pretty face that I am generally happy with. I only hate taking pictures!

So are these various secondary aesthetic changes something I should worry about? Can all these changes be called improvements? And how much does having a great aesthetic result depend on the surgeon's eye and skills, or does it not matter much which surgeon I go with because my face does not have extremely noticeable deformities?

Thank you so much in advance.

dannym 1980
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Re: Facial aesthetics after surgery

#2 Post by dannym 1980 »

iv been thinking the samething,im going to be haveing lefort 2 surgery for a 10mm openbite,so iv been told , afta surgery my face will be slightly shorter ,im also worryed about the internal sise of my mouth afta surgery,and weather it will make my nose look bigger as i already have a big roman
nose :roll: iv watched alot of vids on you tube of before and afta pictures,and you dont often see someone that looks worse afta thay have recovered from surgery,so for me its just fingers crossed and hope for the best ,
and if i doo look abit dodgy afta surgery atleased il bee able to bite and eat well. lol :tingrin:

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