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June2013 buddies? Surgery on upper or both jaws

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 8:50 am
by June2013
I'm due to have upper and probably lower jaw surgery in June to fix anterior open bite.
Am starting to get worried about after the op, swelling/ pain, liquid diet and what if I don't like what I see in the mirror!?
Anyway any ones experiences, of both jaws would be greatful to share :)

Re: June2013 buddies? Surgery on upper or both jaws

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 5:30 pm
by Chiara
Hi! I'll be your buddy! lol I'm having my surgery June 5 for my 8mm overbite. Do you have a date yet?

Re: June2013 buddies? Surgery on upper or both jaws

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:13 am
by June2013
How are you?
Your before me, I'm booked in for June 11.
They're still deciding if ill need the bottom done or not as its only slight. Have an anterior open bite. Not sure on measurements.... Have you got copies of your stuff from the ortho/surgeons? Maybe I should ask would be cool to know.
Have you bought anything for your recovery? I haven't even thought about any of it tbh.... Is slowly dawning on me what I'm about to do!

Re: June2013 buddies? Surgery on upper or both jaws

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:56 am
by Chiara
Hey I'm doing good. When I last saw my surgeon in March he said he may or may not have to do my lower jaw and the genio but thankfully my insurance approved everything, which I wasn't expecting them to cover my chin at all. But he said he would only know what he needed to do about my lower jaw and chin once he moved my upper. I didn't get copies of my records from my ortho/surgeon but I work at a health insurance company so I looked my own preauthorization papers up in our system. So I got to see my xrays and the normal measurements for a face and how off the chart screwed up mine were. I haven't bought anything, I guess I need to start. I've made a list of a few things. I just got my surgery date yesterday. but yea, I've been waiting for this for so long and now it feels weird knowing it's about to happen.

Re: June2013 buddies? Surgery on upper or both jaws

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 10:58 am
by mc2001
I'm having surgery June 5th with Dr. Gunson on both upper and lower jaws.

Re: June2013 buddies? Surgery on upper or both jaws

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 12:33 pm
by Chiara
Cool we're having surgery on the same day. :D What's your diagnosis?

Re: June2013 buddies? Surgery on upper or both jaws

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 5:13 pm
by BracketBaring
June 26th for me. Lefort 1 for maxillary advancement and probably a BSSO for the mandible as well (pending final lateral ceph and impressions). I have a class III malocclusion due to a maxillary hypoplasia and probably some mandibular prognathia as well.

Re: June2013 buddies? Surgery on upper or both jaws

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 6:25 pm
by mc2001
I have maxillary and mandibular hypoplasia on my right side. I am having BSSO, Lefort I, and genio.

Re: June2013 buddies? Surgery on upper or both jaws

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 10:01 am
by June2013
hey guys :)
thanks for posting back.
i'm having mine done in london on the nhs and suddenly i feel like i know very little about what im having done :S
guess you get a more detailed overview of propspective surgery when you pay for it.
Spoke with my orthodontist today and shes happy to only see me once more before surgery to take records and photographs etc
other than that ill have one more meeting with the surgeons where ill be fitted with some appliance they need to make sure fits that they will use in surgery?

Im starting to get my head around what kind of things i should be buying or will need for after surgery had a look on the other posts and theres a pretty good list not sure how much of it ill need though. what have you guys bought?

Re: June2013 buddies? Surgery on upper or both jaws

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 11:31 am
by Chiara
I go back to my ortho and surgeon 2 weeks from today to do my molds and get my hooks put on. I also have to pay the $2200 surgeon's fees on that day.when this is all over I would have spent 9 thousand dollars within the past two years on my teeth and jaws. oh the joys of being an American. lol. I still haven't bought any post surgery supplies. who will be taking care of you after surgery? my son and bf will be helping me at home. I can't even begin to imagine how disgusting I'll look those first few days, they probably won't want to even touch me lol. How much time are you taking off from school/work? I'll be on disability and plan to stay off for as long as I can to heal properly. I'm thinking at least 6 weeks. had anyone else been having surgery dreams? it's like I have one everynight now.

Re: June2013 buddies? Surgery on upper or both jaws

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 3:35 pm
by June2013
Hey, I've booked three weeks off work, I'm a nanny so little kids and a sore face probably won't mix well, I'm hoping ill be able to take it easy and get back into it after three weeks off I make a terrible sick patient, I get so bored!
I'm crashing on my mums sofa at the moment, so she'll be looking after me. Not ideal would be nice to have a room I could hide out in on days I'm not feeling up to dealing with people.
I'm seeing my ortho in two weeks for the same, final moulds and photographs Etc.
I have purchased a new blender :D this one turns ice cubes into snow recon that'll come in handy?!
As for the dreams, Ive had a few dreams about people I know/care a outs faces being hurt/damaged.
:s dreams are funny things! Hopefully they'll not scare you too much! You've not got long left now Chiara :) eeeek!

Re: June2013 buddies? Surgery on upper or both jaws

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 6:29 am
by Chiara
I am borrowing a blender since I don't have one lol. have you tried gaining any weight for this? I'm underweight and I've only been able to gain about 7 extra pounds. I have an extremely fast metabolism so it's been hard. only 4 weeks left and I have to say my nerves are getting to me. one thing I have been thinking about is how my lips will look after this. They are plump now and I'm hoping that they don't end up thinned out. I'm going to try to attach two photos of my bite. hopefully it'll work. sorry if it looks gross lol.

Re: June2013 buddies? Surgery on upper or both jaws

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 1:38 pm
by yellowhat
I should be on this 'buddies' page but surgery date keeps getting put back. First it was May/ June, now it's likely to be July/Aug. My teeth have been ready since Jan. This has been the only downfall of the NHS....

Best of luck to you all; look forward to seeing some before and after photos.


Re: June2013 buddies? Surgery on upper or both jaws

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 2:36 pm
by June2013
Oh no yellowwhat that's terrible, stick here anyway!
We will all go through it together. I've for my last ortho app on Thursday.
Am having all final facial records taken too.
How have you managed your notice with work? Surely they need more than a months notice?
Would be a nightmare for me I re-arrange my time off.
Chaira - my new blender arrived! It's awesome, literally turns ice into snow, now I've just for to work out what blended foods I'm up for trying.... Not my favourite consistency!
I can't see your photos, they won't let you upload them when your a new member for some reason
Would have been cool to see them :)

Re: June2013 buddies? Surgery on upper or both jaws

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 6:52 am
by Chiara
That's great your blender came. I need to start experimenting with mine. that sucks you can't see my pictures. idk why not. 22 days left. getting excited and nervous all at the same time! I bought some baby food the other day. I thought I might as well try it after surgery lol. I just keep imagining what I'll look like. I decided to not let my 7 year old see me while I'm at the hospital, I thinkit would upset him too much. I think him seeing me at home would be a better environment even though I'll be all swollen.