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Lefort 1 surgery on June 2013, when will braces be off?

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:52 pm
by June2013
Any one have a rough idea?

Re: Lefort 1 surgery on June 2013, when will braces be off?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:12 am
by Tctjh0
I think you'd need to provide a lot more information to get any sort of accurate estimate. From what I've read, it generally ranges between 3 months and about a year.

Re: Lefort 1 surgery on June 2013, when will braces be off?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:56 pm
by sirwired
That's a question only your ortho can answer. He/she is the only one that knows the details of your final treatment plan, and how close your surgery got you to it. That said, it's well known that patients start to get really annoyed with still having their braces six months after surgery, so most ortho's try to have them off on/before that date, but sometimes it just takes longer.

Re: Lefort 1 surgery on June 2013, when will braces be off?

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:09 pm
by June2013
Thanks guys! Spoke with my ortho and she thinks it'll be another few visits and then removal!
I still cannot open my jaw very wide, is this still normal?
I'm two months post op of upper jaw surgery only.... Not sure why I can't open my jaw very wide? Ortho seems to think it will get better with time but she's training and not very clear/ often gets things wrong...