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When will the bones be stable enough for braces removal?

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:58 am
by Alicia110613
Hi guys,

After jaw surgery, when will your bones around the plates be "stable" enough for braces to be removed?

My orthodontist is happy with my teeth/bite at 9 weeks post-op and says little or no additional orthodontic work is needed. However, he has never taken braces off surgery patients this early and is concerned about the stability of the plates if braces were to be removed. Most of his past surgery patients needed more ortho work post-op so this topic has never came up.

I hear some people having braces taken off as early as 8 - 10 weeks post-op, but was wondering if anyone has discussed this topic with their surgeon or knows anything about it.


Re: When will the bones be stable enough for braces removal?

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:22 am
by seastarr
I was exactly the same. My bite was actually perfect after the surgery, but I ended up having to keep the braces on for about 4 months after just so my orthodontist was sure. It was annoying, but in the long run I'd rather have another 4 months than take them off early and have shifting happen.
Good luck, you're almost there!

Re: When will the bones be stable enough for braces removal?

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:41 pm
by Alicia110613
thanks for the response...

did you have to wear retainers after the braces came off around the 4-month mark?

Re: When will the bones be stable enough for braces removal?

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:10 am
by sirwired
Mine will probably come off at around the 5-month mark. Might have been 4 if I didn't have to wear that stupid splint for so long.

And yes, you will absolutely have to wear a retainer, quite possibly at least part-time for life. Diligent retainer use is probably even more important than anything you did while you were in braces if you want the result to last.

Re: When will the bones be stable enough for braces removal?

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:06 am
by treichow
I am 3 1/2 months post op and had my appt earlier this week. I joked with my ortho about taking my braces off now and he said he WOULD do it this month but would rather wait until next month (the 4 month mark). I am not going to take any risks by taking them off now and will happily wait until the 4 month mark. He said he always waits until 4 months and sometimes 6 months. Pre-op, he told me I would get them off at 6 months so I am thrilled that he thinks I am ready now. I was wearing bands 8-10 hrs a night and now I am allowed to wear them only when sleeping. Overall, I am getting them off about 5 months earlier than the original estimate. I will get retainers (Essix, I believe) and will wear them at night for the rest of my life! Good luck!

Re: When will the bones be stable enough for braces removal?

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:40 pm
by bmueller
I heard that your teeth move slighly faster after surgery because the bone around the teeth is in rebuild mode which actually aids tooth movement. The doctor may not want to remove the braces until time passes enough that the teeth won't want to move so quickly. My teeth were in their final position and the doctor insisted upon 3 more months of wearing braces just to make sure nothing moved! Hang in there.

Re: When will the bones be stable enough for braces removal?

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:03 pm
by Alicia110613
Thanks guys for your responses. I'll try to be patient - hopefully my dr will agree to get these braces off by month 4!