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Hi, new here!

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 11:03 am
by Katieshh
Hi everyone

So I'm at the very, veryyyy(!) beginning of my journey. I have a referral to the ortho/jaw surgery section of the hospital where I will hopefully be treated at.

I have had ortho previously as a teen (which failed due to severity of case & really needing the surgery) but turned down the surgery at the time. (I'm 23, nearly 24 now) and have decided that my jaws/lip incompetence affects my life far too much to not get it sorted out finally. Although the thought of jaw surgery scares the heck out of me I'm hoping I'll get used to the idea during the next year or so of braces.

Has anyone else had ortho/surgery on the nhs? What were the waiting times like? :)

Look forward to getting to know you all

Katie x

Re: Hi, new here!

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:36 am
by kitkat1

I'm also having orthodontic treatment and jaw surgery on the NHS. I'll be 24 this month.
I was referred to the hospital ortho by my dentist early last year. Had several appointments for consult, x-rays, photographs, impressions, consult with surgeon etc over a few months. In November I got the molar bands put on, and was due to have extractions(surgical) in Dec/Jan and got a date for braces to be put on in January. I was a bit unlucky with getting wrong appointment dates, and my surgery was cancelled and rescheduled, so things have taken longer. I got my braces put on end of last week. I will now go back every 6-8 weeks(hopefully!) and surgery is planned about 2/3 way through treatment, so should be in about 18 months time.

Things do seem to take quite some time to happen, but I'm so grateful and incredibly lucky to get all my treatment done on the NHS, I really can't complain. Just be prepared to be patient!

When are you going to the ortho?

Re: Hi, new here!

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 3:02 am
by Anna5
Good luck on your journey, Katie!

What are the jaw issues you would like to fix with the surgery? (overbite, crossbite etc)?

Re: Hi, new here!

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 3:15 am
by oimysizex
Hello Katie! I'm on the nhs, waiting lists aren't too bad tbh, I think it depends where you are in the UK. My experience is at the start of treatment waiting times between appointments are longer but soon as you get closer to surgery they speed up a little every 3-6 weeks! Once your put on the surgery list your orthodontist only needs to see you 8-10 weeks! Where abouts are you?!

Re: Hi, new here!

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 6:42 am
by Katieshh
Thanks guys :)

I'm in south east London/kent, although I have been referred to Darent Valley hospital rather than one of the London ones. I'm hoping this won't mean I have to wait longer, are the waiting lists the pretty much the same everywhere does anyone know?

So glad I'm not the only one going through the nhs, was having a little search around on the ortho/jaw surgery blog scene and couldn't seem to find any other nhs funded ones!

I have a top jaw that's grown too far forward, bottom jaw that's grown to far down and not forward enough. A 7mm (I think) overbite and some very attractive lip incompetence... Yay! Lol

Oimysizex & kitkat1, whereabouts in the country are you? :)

Re: Hi, new here!

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 1:10 am
by kitkat1
I'm in West Yorkshire, so not near you.

I would think the waiting times varies depending on how busy the particular hospital is, but I don't know tbh.
It took about a year from my first visit to getting the braces put on, I don't know how the waiting list work for the actual surgery.

What type of surgery will you have, do you know?

Re: Hi, new here!

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 3:33 am
by oimysizex
Im from Manchester!! Katie I was referred to a far away hospital for orthodontic treatment then my surgery is in a hospital even further away, 2 hours on public transport so i think its common to be referred to far away hospitals haha!!!
are you scared about surgery? or excited?

Re: Hi, new here!

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 3:36 am
by oimysizex
I was told by my orthodontist, from your pre op appointment with the ortho and surgeon the surgery is around 3 month after that appointment! I have surgeon appointment in 4 weeks, I can't wait I can tell you what to expect haha!!

Re: Hi, new here!

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 3:37 am
by Katieshh
I've never had any kind of surgery so I'm pretty terrified so I just want it over and done with but I know it's not gonna be anytime soon!

I think I'll probably get used to the idea as it gets nearer, sounds like I have a good couple of years to come to terms with it! Lol

Re: Hi, new here!

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 1:56 pm
by kewpi
Hi nice to meet some people from the uk. NHS myself and getting my surgery done at Chelsea & Westminster in London.

As far as the waiting list goes I was told mine would be next summer. I'm more worried telling my work place I will be off for a few weeks to recover.