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July Surgery Group??

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:57 pm
by lissybear22
Ok- it's official! I'm getting my surgery in Tuesday, July 1. I'm getting a Lefort I, a turbenectomy, and a genioplasty. It's all very exciting! Does anyone else have their surgery coming up??

Re: July Surgery Group??

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:44 pm
by nataliepryor
Awesome how exciting!

(I have an expansion procedure in September....double jaw surgery next year).

I love hearing everyone else's stories! What issues did you have going on before deciding to go ahead?

Does it feel strange to know its so soon?! :-*

Re: July Surgery Group??

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:41 am
by lissybear22
That is very cool that you'll get to do your expansion soon! But I know it'll be hard to wait for the rest of it!

Every since I hit about 12 years old I have had neck pain. I always thought I was just a wimp, or that I kept my hair too long or something. And for forever, I have been obsessed with sleep - particularly since that same age. I always got picked on, but figured that was just me. Then when it came time for me to get braces (for the first time) my orthodontist mentioned to my parents, my gummy smile and weak chin. They figured these characteristics gave my face 'character' and that I was attractive enough as it was. They looked at it as a purely aesthetic thing, and did not realize the impact these things had on my physical well-being. It was not until I got to be an adult (25 y/o) that my dentist told me I should get braces again, and probably look into surgery options. I was referred to a good local orthodontist, who then referred me to a surgeon with a good reputation in the area... It was through this process -- educating myself on this process, becoming a member of this community -- that I realized that all of my chronic-pain, hypersomnia etc. are related to my crazy jaws.

I have been in my braces for nearly 3 years now (a year longer than the initial estimate; 2 years longer than my initial hopes) -- and now, here we are. I am nervous, but SO EXCITED to get it done, so I can move on with my life a little bit!!!!!

I've read some of your other posts, nataliepryor, but don't think I know much of what your history has been up to this point. Fill me in! :lol:

Re: July Surgery Group??

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:45 pm
by UnevenJAG
Good luck lissybear22, let us know how you go. Have you got everything you need for recovery?

Any idea what your expected downtime is?

Re: July Surgery Group??

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 1:17 am
by nataliepryor
Oh wow Lissy, that sounds like a long ordeal!

I had braces as a child, but that only fixed half the problem! I am a mouth breather, long face type look, I have had excessive teeth wear, cross bite, gum issues. My profile is recessed chin, gummie smile.

I revisited an Orthodontist as an adult and was told I am a class II. I require top palette expansion, maxillary impaction and lower jaw advanced and tilted up I think.... I was a little taken back at first glance but it all makes sense now, so I plan take it as it comes :crazy:

Nice to meet you!

Re: July Surgery Group??

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:58 am
by lissybear22
UnevenJAG wrote:Good luck lissybear22, let us know how you go. Have you got everything you need for recovery?

Any idea what your expected downtime is?
I think I am close to having what I need for recovery! I need to go get some baby wipes for my face... liquid vitamins and OTC pain medication.... but otherwise I think I am all set!!! I am peeking thru your blog -- looks like you will have your braces on soon! Are you excited?!

My plan is to be out of work for 2 full weeks, then go back to work half time. I work with pre-school age children, so I have to be sure they do not have access to my face! :heart:

Thank you natalie! :)

Re: July Surgery Group??

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:03 pm
by UnevenJAG
Almost all set then!

Yes I am, so exciting, it's something I've been wanting and waiting for, for so long.

Definitely I could imagine it wouldn't be pleasant being smacked in the face (by accident) by a little kid.

Less than a week left now. Hope all goes well.

Re: July Surgery Group??

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:22 pm
by Beebop
Erm... Yes my turn in July too, pretty apprehensive about it and it all seems real now. 26th July is the day, exactly a month tomorrow :o

Re: July Surgery Group??

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 4:39 pm
by Colbrit7
Me too, I was told in April that my op would be on 3rd July and it was changed a month later to 2nd July, so in a week's time. Getting real now. Was upper braced on March 2012 with a lower sectional brace to close a gap, lowers were braced fully a couple of months later. Upper clears, lower metals, no ligs but lots of powerchains over this long treatment time.

I have an underdeveloped lower jaw, 13mm overbite to be reduced by 10mm by a BSSO operation. Borderline genioplasty by they decided that it wouldn't be needed. Need to be at the hospital at 11am for an afternoon operation, expect to stay overnight.

All the best to everyone for their surgeries.

Re: July Surgery Group??

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 5:57 am
by lissybear22
Wow, there's a couple of us getting done this month! That is fun at least! :thumbsup:

I got my surgery hooks wired up yesterday afternoon. It's not ideal, having even more junk in my mouth. It's hard enough to close my mouth as it is! :biglaf: But, the idea that these hooks will be the least of my troubles in a few days is helpful! 5 days to be exact!

AND - I almost forgot, I go in for my pre-surgery workup this afternoon. It's really getting intense! :-*

Beebop, Colbrit7, do you two feel ready?? It is coming up quick!!!

Re: July Surgery Group??

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:11 am
by Beebop
lissybear22 wrote:
Beebop, Colbrit7, do you two feel ready?? It is coming up quick!!!
Not really no! It's been a long time coming (braced for 2.5 years), but now it's here it's all too real and seems not long away at all! Had my moulds taken yesterday and they fixed a device to my head to attach the moulds and to the technical in the lab to create the wafers (cant remember what it was called now).

Hooks in a few weeks I guess, making the most of eating all I can for the next month and everything that I fancy, no "being good" for July!

Good luck lissybear!

Re: July Surgery Group??

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:27 pm
by Colbrit7
lissybear22 wrote: Beebop, Colbrit7, do you two feel ready?? It is coming up quick!!!
I think the pre op appointments and surgical hooks have made it real for me. I have had my hooks on for about 3 weeks now as they wanted to do it before my first hospital visit. Then I had 3 consecutive hospital visits, first with the prosthetics team to have molds done and fitting measurements for a splint, to see my surgeon, then on the second to see more doctors, sign the consent forms, X-rays and infection checks. This past Wednesday I had my blood tests done and saw the technician again to check the fit of the splint-it was fine.

Today I saw my orthodontist to book all my follow up appointments with her, she's away after my operation so she's asking the hospital to provide me with orthodontist checks for a few weeks, then I'm booked in to see her every week for 5 weeks from 22 July until 20 August.

I feel ready but apprehensive of the recovery, what I will be able to eat etc, just need to keep thinking it wil be so worth it.

Re: July Surgery Group??

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 12:18 pm
by lissybear22
I know exactly what you guys think!

I went to my surgeon's yesterday for our final meeting before surgery; gave them what felt like my life is getting so real! I was joking around yesterday with my surgeon and his staff, and I almost felt like I was in on their special club, hah!
I must admit though, I have not been well-behaved the past few weeks with eating. I have definitely gained like 6 pounds - but I just feel like I am going to miss certain things so much! Like reese's peanut butter cups. Mmmm!

4 days in counting.... Colbrit7- just 5 days for you!!! Beebop, is it 29 days???
I'm so glad to have a couple of people to go thru this with! :)

Re: July Surgery Group??

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:52 pm
by Hostet25
Hey guys! See you are up for surgery here soon! I'm post op day 7 today! I had my surgery last Monday! Here if you have any questions at all! I know this forum helped me but it would have been nice to have feedback with people on here instead of just searching old threads! I had a lefort 1 done. 4mm movement forward with a little impaction. Chin lipo (my dr offered of course I accepted) stayed overnight at the hospital. Now just living the recovery life. I think I was over prepared with all of the things I purchase after reading the "hospital checklist" stuff. But hey better than being under prepared. Good luck everyone! It wasn't as bad as I thought!

Re: July Surgery Group??

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:26 am
by lissybear22
Just wanted to update! Had my surgery yesterday at 7am.... So I've been out less than 24 hours.... But I'm feeling good! I think it was sir wired who told me my turbinectomy would be the most uncomfortable and boy that's true!! But I'm making good use of my morphine!!!!!