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Lip Paresthesia

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 7:38 pm
by jinx02
I had Le Fort performed a month ago and I was wondering if anyone had the experience of partial paresthesia develop after the majority of swelling dissipated. I was getting most of the sensations back in my lips when all of a sudden one morning I could feel the uneven sensation in half of my lips. Is it normal for numb patches to come and go throughout healing?

Also, maybe on a related note, I feel small knots on the inside of my cheeks. Research points to blood clots that developed. Anyone else have that experience and what it was? Thanks all.

Re: Lip Paresthesia

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 5:07 pm
by joeoceanbeach
I'm almost 7 months post op and still numb in front. I had knots the size of hockey pucks that shrunk over 4 months or so and are still there a little at the places where the titanium brackets are.

Re: Lip Paresthesia

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:10 am
by jinx02
Did they ever tell you what those knots were? Mine aren't close to the brackets at all

Re: Lip Paresthesia

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:04 am
by sirwired
I'm coming up on two years post-op, and my gums are still a little numb. It took over a year before the wiring between my gums and lips got uncrossed... (my lip "felt" the sensation whenever I'd floss my gums. Made dental cleanings all sorts of delightful fun.) My lips recovered pretty quickly; I imagine everybody is different as to exactly what nerves get busted up during surgery.