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Received date for lefort 3 osteotomy

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:32 pm
by palm55
As the subject says, I'm having a lefort 3 osteotomy. I've known that I needed it for years but a variety of factors got in the way, until I finally made the decision to go ahead and do it. I have a class-3 malocclusion; severe underbite and open bite. I had my braces put on last spring, and was initially quoted an estimated surgery date between Aug-Oct 2016. However, at my last appointment, my doctor said my teeth have been moving so rapidly that I'll be ready this spring. This is seriously the best news I've received in a long time!

I can't wait to have my surgery behind me, and be able to eat, and speak, properly. And not have headaches. And be able to breathe through my nose properly. I've just started the process of getting my insurance to sign off on the surgery. I'm having my treatment done at a University, and they are helping to coordinate. I'm starting to prepare myself so that I can take 3-4 weeks of rest afterwards. I'm not sure what the recovery will be like, so I want to be be conservative in planning.

I'm excited, scared, and hopeful. The next 5 months can't move fast enough! Has anyone else here had the lefort 3 osteotomy? Would love to hear from others about their experience, and any advice you might offer. Did you do anything pre-surgery that helped? And, what can I expect afterwards?

Good luck to all!

Re: Received date for lefort 3 osteotomy

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:49 am
by sirwired
Wow! I think you are the first person on this board to be getting a LeFort III; that's some major surgery there. (We've had plenty of 3-piece LeFort I's, but no LeFort III's to my knowledge.) How long do they expect you to be under the knife? I was under the impression that it was a six-hour or so operation.

Re: Received date for lefort 3 osteotomy

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 5:29 pm
by palm55
I'm sorry! I mistyped. I am getting a lefort 3-piece osteotomy! Would love to hear from others.

Re: Received date for lefort 3 osteotomy

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 6:31 pm
by sirwired
Oh, well that's a bit different then! :D

Not much you need to do to prepare other than eat all of your favorite bad for you foods before the surgery to pack on a couple pounds... You'll melt it right off during recovery.

Things you'll need.
A comfy chair to sleep in. A recliner is ideal; hit up craigslist and get somebody's ugly cast off if you don't own a recliner already.
A blender
Calorific liquids and soft foods... Ice cream, cream-based soup, meal-replacement drinks, mashed potatoes, stuff for milkshakes, eggs, etc. My "default" meal was mashed potatoes (from flakes), fried-up canned corned beef, cheese, and scrambled eggs, all topped with sriracha and ketchup.
Ice packs and an ace bandage to attach it as a sling to your chin.
My most valuable recovery tool was a square whiskey tumbler. The corner made a great "spout" to pour in liquids, as your lips aren't going to be able to form a seal over the surface of a beverage like you normally would.

While all the swelling won't be gone, you should be feeling a lot better at the end of two weeks. I work from home, and two weeks was when I got back to work.