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Bad taste in mouth and smell in nose day33 post op double jaw surgery

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 11:42 am
by King6james2
Hi guys, I am on day 33 post op double jaw surgery. About 1 1/2 weeks ago i notice a really bad taste in the back of my throat and also bad smell coming out of my nose, I dont have any sore throat or anything but also felt mucus at the bacm of my throat. Is anyone else experiencing this? Im really concern im not sure whats happening

Re: Bad taste in mouth and smell in nose day33 post op double jaw surgery

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 12:12 pm
by jaime
Hmm, I wonder if it's some kind of infection? Possibly your sinuses? Maybe they are draining and giving you a funny taste.

Are you taking any medication? I had a bad taste in my mouth in the days right after surgery, but I'm pretty sure it was because I wasn't eating much and all the medication was giving me bad breath.

Re: Bad taste in mouth and smell in nose day33 post op double jaw surgery

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 2:02 pm
by King6james2
I'm not on medication anymore. I took clindamycin for the first 2 weeks. It's strange because I don't feel any pain and no sore throat. I'm going to have an appointment with my surgeon today. I hope it's not an infection.

Re: Bad taste in mouth and smell in nose day33 post op double jaw surgery

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 3:48 pm
by King6james2
Okay i just got back from my appointment, my surgeon looked inside my throat and said there is no sign of infection. He said that my nose draining through a very small hole and it ill take time for it to stop