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How long did you guys feel pain and aches for after surgery?

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 2:17 pm
by King6james2
I am on day 37 post op for double jaw surgery. Some days i still feel aches and pain on my cheeks and under my ears like a bruise feeling. Is this normal? Im wondering how long it took you guys to fully recover and feeling no aches and pain.

Re: How long did you guys feel pain and aches for after surgery?

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:30 am
by Nozzelnut
I felt them off and on for 3-4 months. It gradually gets better. You might not notice things from day to day or even week to week; but looking back month to month you will see improvement. Even 10 months after surgery, I'll have a day things are sore for no real reason but are better he next day.

Re: How long did you guys feel pain and aches for after surgery?

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:49 am
by King6james2
[quote="Nozzelnut"]I felt them off and on for 3-4 months. It gradually gets better. You might not notice things from day to day or even week to week; but looking back month to month you will see improvement. Even 10 months after surgery, I'll have a day things are sore for no real reason but are better he next day.[/quote]
Ya some day i feel good but there are days i feel aches and pain. I was wandering when I can start running, jumping, and working out?

Re: How long did you guys feel pain and aches for after surgery?

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 6:51 am
by Nozzelnut
You should talk with your surgeon about that.