Advice and thoughts on switching doctors mid-treatment

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Advice and thoughts on switching doctors mid-treatment

#1 Post by palm55 »

I am having upper jaw surgery to correct and underbite, and have been in braces for over one year. I went to a university clinic but have been very disappointed with my experiences. I was initially told my surgery would be in one year. But then, after 6 months in braces, I was told I'd be ready at 8 months. So I booked an appointment with the surgeon. Then, as 8 months drew nearer, I was told I wasn't ready and should re-book for 10 months. So I did. And then, as 10 months drew nearer, I was told I wasn't ready. Next, I was told my surgery will be at 15 months after braces. So I booked it. Now that I'm at 13 months, they're saying they're not yet sure. This is getting to be frustrating as I am planning my life around this surgery and feel like I'm getting the runaround. I'd like to switch to a private facility. I probably should have done this to begin with, but the cost was daunting and this clinic seemed great. I've been so frustrated, even with the understanding this is a huge surgery. Has anyone had an experience of switching teams? If so, do you have any advice?

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Re: Advice and thoughts on switching doctors mid-treatment

#2 Post by LyraM45 »

If you have concerns about your team, now is the time to do something about it. Something didn't sit right with me about my first surgeon. My ortho sensed my unease and talked me out of backing out of surgery (at least with her, and very possibly anybody). It was a big mistake and the red flags to me ended up coming back and biting me in the ass. It's tough to make a switch, but you just have to hit the bricks and make it happen. I consulted a ton of surgeons and ortho's and was able to put a whole new revision team together to help me. Took time, and was harder in my situation because I was now a complicated case that needed revision, but it's doable.

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Re: Advice and thoughts on switching doctors mid-treatment

#3 Post by SingleJawMelb »

Yeah I switched ortho very near the start, not because of issues with his ability, just he worked two days in my city and was also always running late. My new one is great, I'm never running more than 10 mins late and he's just fast and efficient - just how I like it.

My ortho worked with the same surgeon so no issues. My general dentist put some doubts into my head when he suggested I see the surgeon his kids saw.

I think everyone gets told they would be ready for surgey in about a year. I was told I was ready for surgey and to make an appointment with surgeon. When I had a date for surgeon I also worked with the ortho to get the correct wires and hooks on.

I think you should speak to your ortho(?) and ask why he's doing what he's doing. All behaviour stems from somewhere, and I'm sure the public system is less efficient than private.

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Re: Advice and thoughts on switching doctors mid-treatment

#4 Post by kpw818 »

I am on my third surgeon.

First just stopped practicing, kind of out of the blue.

Second was during my time with BCBS. I was getting denials. Wasn't sure how that was going to turn out.

Got a new job, new insurance, new surgeon. I had a consult scheduled with one other surgeon on the 17th, but I saw my current doctor (highly recommended) and got surgery scheduled and approved without issue.

I was pretty far along with the second doctor, but things happen. I think they understand with the insurance complications and the overall cost of the procedure without insurance. Seeing another surgeon didn't really mess anything up for me, but I never had anything scheduled prior to my current team.

They have all discussed different procedures. First was upper only, second was upper, lower and genio, third is upper and lower. I think the second was going for some additional aesthetic changes, but I feel like I will lose the prominent chin with the lower jaw surgery .

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Re: Advice and thoughts on switching doctors mid-treatment

#5 Post by Jbird »

I have no advice but a similar problem. The surgeon I chose wanted an MRI to rule out a problem with TMJs. I went in my network to get it done. The MRI came back fine. The surgeon said it was read wrong and wants it redone at the hospital he works out of. I guess that's out of my pocket again. There is no pain or locking of my TMJs. I'm wondering whether to get a second opinion.
I think it's okay to switch surgeons. Have to go with your gut I guess.

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