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2 Weeks Post Op

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:09 am
by shenreice
Hey guys! So believe it or not I am 2 weeks post op. Well, tomorrow I will be. I had my appointment today, and the surgeon gave me the go ahead to start chewing soft food, like eggs and pasta. I am super happy to be off liquid, but this seems kind of early. Has anyone else started chewing this early? I guess it isn't much different than talking, so... My swelling has gone down about 80% on my lower jaw and about 60% on my upper. I stI'll can't breathe through my nose though, due to the swelling. The bruising is also starting to fade. I just thought I'd give an update. :D

Re: 2 Weeks Post Op

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:18 am
by tylerjwilson
I just had my 2 week yesterday. I've been able to do soft foods since day 1, the oral surgeon just said NO CHEWING...meaning, nothing goes between my bottom teeth and the splint. I've been doing pretty good with having a variety of foods and I may be guilty of eating an omelette and chewing it a little just to break it up a tiny bit more. There is little to no pressure involved in biting/chewing a scrambled egg.

Re: 2 Weeks Post Op

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 3:05 pm
by Branwillaws
Sounds about right I was eating mashed potatoes and ground beef and pasta ect 2 weeks post op. I'm coming up on 6 weeks post up and I'm able to eat sandwiches. French fries. Chicken ect.. it gets easier.

Re: 2 Weeks Post Op

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:10 pm
by shenreice
I think I was overzealous as the pain has gotten really bad again. I will try going back to liquids for a while. Do you think I messed anything up?

Re: 2 Weeks Post Op

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 9:21 am
by 3cheersforsweetteeth
I would take it easy. I wasn't given the go ahead to eat soft foods until around 5 - 6 weeks. In fairness many of the anecdotes I read online had people eating soft foods much, much earlier, but if you're in any pain I'd lay off for a bit. Even when I graduated to soft foods it was spoonfuls of potato, pasta, mince etc that I would swallow without chewing. Slow and steady heals the jaw!