10 days post double jaw surgery.

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10 days post double jaw surgery.

#1 Post by finnan13 »

Hi all.

I'm 10 days post op and thought I'd update people on my experience.

Operation Day: zero pain. Maximum inconvenience. Stuffed nose, not too much in terms of swelling.

Day 1-4- pain still at zero. Not taking painkillers. Maximum inconvenience. Nose still blocked and no energy whatsoever due to liquid diet. Spent these days in bed drifting in and out of sleep. Again, zero pain which is fantastic! I found lots of hot baths helped my congestion. Swelling peaked and very, very swollen!

Day 5-8- still at zero for pain. Inconvenience dropped to 9/10 as I am finding my jaws becoming easier when eating mush. Still no energy as intake isn't as much as usual. Congestion and swelling dramatically reduced.

Day 9 and 10: pain at 1/10- my nerves are shooting and starting to fire up again therefore causing very mild pain. Swelling reducing dramatically. Still 100% numb.

Overall- first 5 days I regretted it but only due to me being bed-bound and restless. I am now 100% happy with my decision to have this surgery.


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Re: 10 days post double jaw surgery.

#2 Post by shenreice »

Hey! I am 2 weeks post op as of today. I had double jaw advancement wit genioplasty. I am glad your recovery was so easy and is going well! My recovery was super hard, my surgeon even apologized for doing the surgery. Hahaha

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Re: 10 days post double jaw surgery.

#3 Post by bracefacemama »

Did you have an open bite and recessed chin? Im having double jaw surgery in 4 weeks to correct both. Trying to find people who have had the same surgeries.

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Re: 10 days post double jaw surgery.

#4 Post by Ravensflight »

I apologize if I'm on the the wrong thread, I had genioplasty surgery a little over 2 weeks ago and the stitches area is feeling pushed against something, my plate or bone, I don't know, it feels strange where stitches are and having a hard time moving lips. Is this normal? Anyone's advice is appreciated. Will I need plate removed?? I don't mean road whine but stitches still aren't healed...

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