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Complications post op... another surgery.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:32 am
by Branwillaws
Today marks the 50th day post double jaw surgery and I'm going back under the knife Monday.

So I had a lefort 1 and a bsso done in may. The Healing was going great. I'm eating real food. I have tons of energy no pain. Everything was going so perfect until now I'm left with some risidual swelling on the right side of my lower jaw. I didn't think anything of it really. But it became very tender and sore. At my first post op Ortho appointment 6 weeks after my surgery the orthodontist saw it right away and said it was not good.

Turns out its Osteomyelitis.. (bone infection) after a trial with some strong antibiotics still no change. So this coming Monday I will be having a small surgery to remove some crap in Thier I guess. I also have some tissue that has grown in that area and he's going to remove it.

Anyone else experience something like this?

Re: Complications post op... another surgery.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 4:03 pm
by sirwired
I had an infection a few months after having my wisdom teeth out. Terrified my dentist half to death, but draining the pus and a cheap bottle of amoxicillin cleared it up in my case.

It happens; the mouth is an incredibly dirty place in which to operate. (All that "sterile field" stuff they do for an operation on, say, your abdomen? Yeah, they don't bother for oral surgery.)

Re: Complications post op... another surgery.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:09 am
by Branwillaws

So i went this morning for my "surgery" here's what happened. The MRI scan they took last week was of my brain and not my jaw.. so when I have the disc to the surgeon this morning to see I had to go get another one done.. anyway so while he was watching the video to see I was being prepared for the surgery. After I had to get another xray a panoramic one. And after reviewing the xray and MRI results it turns out that it's worse..

On my right lower jaw where the plate and screws are. The bone is not healing properly, all the screws are loose and in some parts of the bone it disappeared (I forget the term for it) but basically some of the screws are just sitting in there in the void. It gets worse. There is also lots of fractures in the area as well.

So yeah my surgery is booked for next Wednesday. The plan is to open it up. Change the plate and screws. Clean up anything that needs to be cleaned inside and I'll be back on a liquid diet. Infact I'll most likely be wired shut this time for 2 weeks.. to get the bone healing...

So here I am 2 months post op and now having another surgery.. it sucks. And depressing because I'm finally feeling great and eating better other than the tenderness and slight swelling on my jaw.. pain Wise.. pretty much none. So that's good.

Oh and I'll also have antibiotics administered through I.V for 4weeks as well... awesome. Good thing I booked my summer vacation at the end of August.

Re: Complications post op... another surgery.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:45 am
by Yvonned
Just wanted to clarify about the remark of not using sterile field during orthognathic surgery:
That is not the case at all: it is clearly a sterile procedure! I am a nurse and can tell you that sterile procedure must be used! Yes, the mouth harbours plenty of bacteria, which is why patients go on a course of antibiotics for a period of time- I did a two week course after SARPE. Did not want anyone being concerned about not using sterile technique.

Re: Complications post op... another surgery.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:57 am
by Kittykat
Totally agree with Yvonned- definitely a sterile field etc is used... The gums are pulled back to expose the skull during the surgery- without a sterile field the rates of infection would be sky high!
Sirwired... You've given (incorrect) medical advice before on this forum- I'd recommend keeping quiet on topics you're not qualified to answer!

Re: Complications post op... another surgery.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 12:27 pm
by Branwillaws
Thanks for the reply. I'm confident the setting where I'm having my surgery is very sterile. But there is always a chance and risk with any surgery.

I'm not nervous this time around. The surgeon said it will be a simple easy surgery. I'm getting another month off work and I'll be wired shut for 2 weeks this time around which is going to suck.

Re: Complications post op... another surgery.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 1:22 pm
by sirwired
Several references I consulted specifically classified intraoral surgery (which orthognathic surgery is) as "Clean-contaminated", because the surgical site cannot be brought to anywhere near pathogen-free conditions. (Which is why prophylactic antibiotics are usually (always?) prescribed.)

Perhaps my terminology was poor (Orthognathic procedures still involve sterile surgical draping, scrubbing, etc.), but certainly the gist of the post was correct. Intra-oral surgeries DO have an elevated risk of post-op infection, even with antibiotics, vs. "clean" surgeries. Post-op infections are far more common than they would be for, say, a gall-bladder removal.

Re: Complications post op... another surgery.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 4:46 pm
by Branwillaws
I understand what your point is and yes I agree with you because both my dentist and surgeon have mentioned that the mouth is more susceptible to infections being that it general is harder and takes longer to heal because of the moist environment an open wound heals faster when it's dry.

It's not uncommon for people having wisdom teeth pulled to end up with an infection though usually never severe enough to cause any problems.

Here's the story on my case. It ended up not being an infection just that the bone didn't heal properly and rejected the plate and screws also caused fractures. But this could lead to a serious infection if not taken care of immediately thus why I'm having surgery next week to fix this.

Re: Complications post op... another surgery.

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 4:52 am
by snapdresser
Do you remember any sort of "crunching" sensation or anything early on? I know you were eating and exercising pretty much right off the bat.

Re: Complications post op... another surgery.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:14 pm
by Branwillaws
Yeah but I don't remember anything that could have caused it directly. Anyway my second surgery is done. I was walking around hours after. No pain. I feel 99% minus having a IV in my foot during surgery was weird seeing them take it out. The surgery wasn't very long. He put a bigger thicker plate with some threaded screws in this time. He had to make 3 small incisions along my jaw line on the outside to put the screws in. I also made the mistake of coming in with a beard.. and now I look ridiculous. They are keeping me here the night I'm actually watching TV in the waiting room right now. Tomorrow morning I have an appointment at the clinic to have my jaw wired shut.. for 2 weeks. I'll update sometime soon and let you all know how it goes.

Everything else is great so this would be over 2 months post double jaw surgery. And aside from this minor setback I'm sure I'll be back better than ever in no time.

Re: Complications post op... another surgery.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:53 am
by snapdresser
You're pretty sure eating and exercising right off the bat couldn't directly cause that? I wonder why they tell us not to do those things :?

Congrats on being out the other side and good luck with the wiring! KaylaChristine got through it; you can do it! Not missing that liquid diet :roll: Haha that's funny about the beard. What, they only shaved the part right where they had to work?

Re: Complications post op... another surgery.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 5:04 am
by Branwillaws
Yeah I just ate a bbq chicken bacon pizza on Monday lol.. well they made me shave what I could with the electric and then they Bic razerd where they needed so it looks crazy. And yes I know I went to fast. And started biting off more than I could chew..literally.. and those gym workouts yet very mild workouts I'm sure didn't help. So I'm about to begin 2 weeks of literally just liquids I been here before but it just sucks considering I was eating again. Overall the surgeon is impressed with my healing and expects I'll make a great recovery so I'm not worried. I have 3 weeks off work so lots of time to relax and take it easy and get of drinking boost and ensures again.

Already lost and maintained 20 pounds weight loss from the last surgery what's another 15-20.. not that I'm complaing because I was already a bigger guy to begin with so that will only do me good.

Re: Complications post op... another surgery.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 9:47 pm
by Branwillaws
So just over 2 weeks post op number 2. My mouth has been wired shut this time around and it's horrible. I see my surgeon Tuesday. I think about cutting the wires everyday but I don't.. it's made a horrible miserable person to be honest.. anyway as far as I can tell the Healing is going okay I'll know more when I get the xray done Tuesday still slightly swollen I'm hoping it's not infection. Ugh can't wait to eat food again.

Re: Complications post op... another surgery.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 11:28 am
by ZiziOConnor
Good luck. Keep us posted, we're rooting for you.

Re: Complications post op... another surgery.

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 11:17 am
by snapdresser
Branwillaws wrote:So just over 2 weeks post op number 2. My mouth has been wired shut this time around and it's horrible. I see my surgeon Tuesday. I think about cutting the wires everyday but I don't.. it's made a horrible miserable person to be honest.. anyway as far as I can tell the Healing is going okay I'll know more when I get the xray done Tuesday still slightly swollen I'm hoping it's not infection. Ugh can't wait to eat food again.
You got this, branwillaws! Just imagine how amazing real food will be when you're finally ready for it!