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An Everything Case

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 1:49 pm
by HiKitty
Hi all,
I am new to the whole dental thing, as i grew up without insurance. I just got married in November and have insurance. My first trip to the dentist was in January for a cleaning and I had no cavities and no decay! Bad news was, I need braces, which I was thrilled as I've always wanted them. After meeting with the ortho and surgeon, they were both very interested and actually felt sorry for me!
I have a malocclusion, my upper jaw is at a V shape and I am missing bone in between my two frontal teeth. My lower jaw is recessed with some crowding. My airway is 2/3 restricted, I have a low hyoid, and I have sleep apnea with an O2 dip to 80-85%. The care plan consists of SARPE, braces for 25 months, then bringing the upper and lower jaw forward in a second surgery along with a chin procedure. Braces for another 6 months or so.
Anyone else with a complicated case? I felt weird when the ortho said "I don't envy what you're about to go through."

Re: An Everything Case

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:57 pm
by cdmoses6
Wow! It sounds like you are about to be going through a lot! That's great though that your ortho and surgeon seem enthusiastic to help you despite the challenge. I don't have a complicated case, but just wanted to stop by and give you some encouragement! Though things may be looking rough, it sounds like it will really be worth it for you in the end given your medical troubles you're having. Oh! I do remember another user elephantmaster123 who sounds to have quite the difficult/complicated case. He has a post under Board index‹Braces Treatment Discussions‹Metal Mouth Forum titled "UPDATE!!" that you might wanna go check out :) Best wishes to you!

Re: An Everything Case

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:43 am
by snapdresser
Besides the bone loss, your case sounds very similar to a lot of people's on this forum. I got my surgery for sleep apnea, a lot of people had SARPE+Bimax, you're a combination of both! I think you're in good company here. I would caution you not to get too attached to the idea of having your braces off at 6 months post-op, as the norm seems to be significantly longer than that. Good luck and keep us posted as you progress through your journey!

Re: An Everything Case

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:30 pm
by HiKitty
Just got back from the ortho for impressions to make the expander. Looks like I'll be expanding 10mm/40 turns when I get the surgery in August. I've already got a space in between my front teeth, so this should be fun