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Stiff and sore muscles?

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 7:07 pm
by jennynnej
Hi guys, I'm 3 months post my double jaw surgery this week and I had a question about sore muscles. Yesterday I could open my mouth wide enough to fit 2 and a half fingers in while today I woke up with a soreness in the muscle on the right hand side of my jaw and now I can barely squeeze 2 fingers into my mouth. Has this happened to anyone else during their recovery? Should I be worried? It hasn't gotten better all day, I thought it might loosen up over the course of the day but no such luck. Thanks in advance!

Re: Stiff and sore muscles?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 5:28 am
by jaime
It sounds normal to me! I had varying levels of stiffness and some soreness. If you feel like you are falling behind on benchmarks related to your ROM, see if you can go to or get referred to a physiotherapist. I ended up having to do that and it was very helpful. I think because I was in elastics so long (still am), my jaw never got to open and move around enough to get back to normal.