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3 Months post op - Took a light bump...

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 4:25 pm
by xjoe28
I am 3 months post double jaw surgery and everything is well. Today somebody hugged me and kind of headbutted the right side of my lower jaw. It was not hard but i definitely felt it. Everything was going just fine and now I am back to full on panic. How do I know everything is ok? What should I watch out for. I really cannot believe this. I have been through enough mentally and now this. I came through so much just to get bumped in mmy jaw.
What should I do?

Re: 3 Months post op - Took a light bump...

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 12:49 pm
by Piper
If it’s been 3 months since your surgery, and still have the titanium plates and screws still (assuming you haven’t had them removed) then you’re fine. In most cases, your bone has already started growing over the titanium, which itself is pretty sturdy. As long as you don’t have any sever pain from it, I’d say you’re okay. But why not just give your surgeons office a call and have him or his nurse staff give an opinion? I’m sure it won’t differ much. Good luck!

Re: 3 Months post op - Took a light bump...

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 3:25 pm
by xjoe28
I called my surgeons office and they said i should be fine.
I don't have any pain from it. Just very light pain due to my paranoia causing me to feel around and press around the spot. Im over it.
Thanks for your response and sorry im so paranoid. Heres to no more bumps.