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Recent Surgery with Gunson?

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 4:28 pm
by Alicat1975
Has anyone recently undergone surgery with Gunson? There are a few horror stories floating around on other sites. I was under the impression that he was the best choice for revision (lower jaw only 1999) now DJS due to condylar resorption. I had a consult with him last month and was prepared to spend my life savings on finally fixing my jaw. These stories are making me rethink my choice.

Re: Recent Surgery with Gunson?

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 11:39 am
by academiannut
To be honest, I don't know much about Gunson, since he's west coast.

However, this is the conclusion I've come to after reading a lot of jaw blogs. Just my two cents.

1). Surgery outcomes are unpredictable. You're having your face broken and put back together again. Almost no blog says "yeah it was all perfect afterwards!" There's always something you wish was different. Also, even the best surgery may have bad results because so many subjective factors affect the outcomes (individual bodies, patient compliance, etc).

2). Some people are deeply unhappy before they have jaw surgery, and then they are still deeply unhappy after jaw surgery, but now they have something to blame it on. Not that some complaints aren't real; there are some outcomes that are very problematic.

But even good surgery results will have some undesirable outcomes (smiles that are still imperfect, but less so, numb spots on face, etc). I suspect that some of the people who are deeply unhappy about their jaw surgery outcomes are dealing with deeper mental health issues that make it harder for them to adjust to the change? So I take those negative reviews with a grain of salt against a long history of positive outcomes.

2). A good, experienced surgeon is essential. But Gunson isn't the only one out there. A lot of people perform these surgeries regularly. If I'd known 20 years ago what I do know, I would have worked harder to find someone in-network who had a lot of experience with my type of orthognathic issues to save myself the large chunk of money I spent. I went with someone who doesn't participate in insurance because I never found that in-network person. But I didn't try VERY hard because I didn't have the verbiage to explain my issues, so when I found someone who understood them, I just went with that person. And I'm happy with my choice, but if I were starting from scratch again, I'd have put a lot more effort into finding a good in-network surgeon.

Re: Recent Surgery with Gunson?

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 11:27 am
by Kristen
Hello, I recently had jaw surgery with Gunson. Please feel free to ask me questions.

Re: Recent Surgery with Gunson?

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 8:59 pm
by Sara123456789
I would stay away from Gunson. Find a good local surgeon.

Ask for before/afters, ask to be connected with previous patients who have similar issues, ask tough questions, ask for patient reported outcomes, ask for a plan to be in place if something goes wrong. You'll know in your gut who to trust and you don't have to spend your life savings.