I’m in Ontario, Canada. I am going through Invisalign treatment right now and am seeing an improvement in the overall positions of my teeth. I started with cross bite, uneven teeth, significant jaw pain (into my neck as well) and a fairly obvious occlusal cant. The orthodontist indicated that he thought the jaw pain and cant might improve with treatment but it has only become more obvious. I have only 5 trays left and my bite is slightly open on the left. I’m getting tons of pressure on my right teeth that is causing more pain in the teeth and jaw on that side. I did ask at my last appointment whether it would be possible to be referred to a surgeon, as my understanding is that this can only be fixed by surgery, and he seemed uncertain about whether I would be a candidate. He suggested shaving the gums on the right instead - but I think I would be really unhappy with this, as everything would still be very slanted (also - definitely would not help with the Jaw pain lol).
For reference, my chin is significantly shifted and tilted with the higher side on the left. My face is shorter on the left. I have much more gum show on the right and my jaw protrudes more on the right. Like I said, I have a slightly open bite on the left. Both my upper and bottom teeth follow the cant of the jaw (they too are tilted - but relative to one another, straight lol). Apologies if I don’t know the correct terms - I’ve tried to describe as best I can. I also believe a have a very narrow jaw that is slightly recessed. My Physio has commented that I seem to have trouble breathing properly when my head and neck are in a proper position (probably contributing to my neck pain) but otherwise breathing difficulties have not been formally assessed.
I’m wondering if anyone knows if a situation like this would be covered partially by OHIP for surgical treatment in Ontario? There are some good orthognathic and maxillofacial surgeons in my area that I can consult without my orthodontist referring but would like to get some more info before then. I’m a PhD student and my funds are limited but I really don’t want to wait to invest in fixing these issues.
Thanks so much for your advice!