Consider MMA after 7 years of CPAP - Long Term Reviews

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Consider MMA after 7 years of CPAP - Long Term Reviews

#1 Post by saintofbays »

Hi Everyone,

First time poster here. I was originally diagnosed with moderate OSA 7 years ago and have been on a CPAP ever since. The real key issue that led me to go in to the ENT doctor in the first place was my loud snoring as my spouse could not sleep with me next to her! While the CPAP has been great in the snoring regard, I still occasionally wake up as the mask will shift or the hose will make a noise as I move, etc. Ideally, I would much rather not have to deal with it any more.

After one of my recent follow-ups at a top rated Boston hospital that originally recommended the CPAP, it was suggested that MMA may be a much better long-term fix for both the OSA and snoring as the CPAP has been bothering me and I communicated this. I have done a substantial amount of research on the MMA procedure, and while I understand it carries considerable risks (i.e. nerve damage and numbness) with a lengthy recovery, I would be grateful for anyone who can help with the following questions below. Ultimately I'm trying to avoid having this surgery and then having to use a CPAP due to snoring after all the pain and recovery!

1) For those in a similar situation who went forward with MMA was it worth it now that you are on the other side?
2) Did the MMA surgery stop the snoring after fully healing for those who snored loudly beforehand?
3) Is there any relapse considerations down the road to be aware with the MMA surgery 5 to 10 years?
4) Is there anyone who had the surgery 5 years or longer ago that can share their overall experiences and view on their decision?

Thank you all!

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Re: Consider MMA after 7 years of CPAP - Long Term Reviews

#2 Post by snapdresser »

1. Yes, but more for cosmetic reasons, though I do believe my sleep apnea has improved.
2. I still snore occasionally, but not as often.
3. I believe there is a chance of relapse, especially if you gain weight.
4. My surgery was 7 years ago. It was one of the best things I ever did, but I underestimated how big of a deal it is to change your face like this psychologically. If you go into this liking your current face, you will have a very difficult time coming to terms with your new face. If you hate your current face, you will still probably have a hard time, but at least you won’t be in your surgeon’s office demanding that they “undo” it. That’s the most important thing to mention IMO. Let me know if you have any other specific questions, or shoot me a PM. My overall experience was great, but be prepared for a heck of a rollercoaster ride if you decide to proceed with it.
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