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Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:21 pm
by miajessica
Hi Everyone,
I always read about everbodys braces crisises but now i have one of my own.

I have a baby canine that is going to be removed and an adult canine that is going to be exposed. It is being exposed on the the palate. :shock:

I now that some of you have had this exsposure done. Please tell me if it how painfull it is. As I have a limited income and i Need to decided rather to be put to sleep or have the local anestisia.

I dont handle dental pain very well and the pain after having my wisdom teeth removed almost drove me insane. Pleas Help :oops:


Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:14 pm
by hannah164
Hi Miajessica! :-1

I had 2 impacted cuspids and two baby cuspids still in place! I didn't even know I had two teeth in my palate until my oral surgeon told me! :shock:

You'll do fine! Its not as bad as it sounds. Mine were also high up in my palate. I was put to sleep for the surgery but that was because I also had 4 teeth extracted at the time and that's what my oral surgeon suggested!

Other than your mouth being sore and having a little hard time eating right after the surgery it really isn't too bad. I find it more painful the first time my ortho tried to start bring the teeth down. I couldn't eat for a while but most people didn't have as much pain as me! :x

Your oral surgeon should help you make these decisions and help you feel better about it as well!

Good luck and let us know how it goes!



Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05