Life after surgery

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Life after surgery

#1 Post by KathleenH »

It's now been over 9 weeks since my surgery, and I am finally feeling somewhat back to normal. My physical therapy is going great, and I'm starting to see major improvement in my jaw opening. I'm also getting a little bit of lateral movement, which is good. I'm still not where I need to be, though.

I go back to the orthodontist Wednesday for the first time since surgery; I hope that they're pleased with my progress. I've been wearing elastics for the past four weeks, according to instructions from my OS; we'll see if the ortho agrees with the decision.

I am starting to eat more, finally. I can eat good prime rib, any fish, tacos, pizza, and pastas. I still can't eat a steak or salads, but I'll get there. I'm also starting to consume more calories; I was getting only about 1000 calories at first, just because eating required so much effort. I'm up to about 1500, which is still not good, but better.

I just found out, too, that I'm pregnant again. So now my gums will be tender again; I really need to eat more, but I don't have the energy; and I once again get to deal with the effects of morning sickness and braces. How many people manage to deal with two pregnancies while in braces?

Surgery survivor


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#2 Post by Kimberley »

Hi Kathleen,

Congrats on the pregnancy! That's great news. You know, I think you'll find it nice that your kids will be close together like that. How far along are you? I'm actually thinking I might be pregnant too, but I'm not sure. I took a test on Thursday & it was negative but I'm more than a week late and that's very unusual for me. I have an IUD in and I'm concerned that the catheter might have pushed on my bladder and moved it or I was reading up and some people are saying that weight loss can move it - I lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time. I'm a little concerned about possibly being pregnant so soon after surgery just because of the limited calorie intake for all those weeks but it'd be great if I were - we were just about ready to try anyway.

I'm glad to hear that you're having an easier time with opening & eating. It makes a big difference in your energy level. Does this mean you no longer have to go to the PT anymore? Don't worry about your first appointment with the ortho, mine just used a light flexible wire and it was fine, no soreness or anything.


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Re: Life after surgery

#3 Post by Kell »

KathleenH wrote:I just found out, too, that I'm pregnant again. So now my gums will be tender again; I really need to eat more, but I don't have the energy; and I once again get to deal with the effects of morning sickness and braces. How many people manage to deal with two pregnancies while in braces?
Wow, my hats off to you. I can't imagine having morning sickness and braces. All three of my pregnancies had me throwing up all the time. I hope that you can escape that. I know that there are people out there who have morning sickness with one baby and not with the next. Maybe you'll get lucky and you won't be sick. The good thing, as I am sure you know, is that sweet little baby at the end is worth every bit of misery :wink:
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