I definitely will keep the blog up, it's nice to document it for my own records but if anyone out there finds it useful too then that's great.
This forum is so helpful, so much information here in the one spot.
Sorry for the late reply I've been super slack in updating my blog as well. Braces are going well, I haven't noticed any real changes but the adjustments sure do cause discomfort for a few days after.
I'm with you there re costs! I found it very hard to find info online to be honest that's why I though I'd start my own blog, so other Aussies have some info out there!
Your braces would be on by now right? How's that going for you?
**Uppers Braced 18/07/2014**
**Bottoms Braced 17/09/2015**
Double Jaw surgery 11th Jan 2017
Blog - http://jacintasjawsurgery.com
I have my braces and can see changes with my front teeth and coping really well with them. Came up with ridingboots many years ago as msn chat name And kept it as I have horses and ride regularly
Have you had more adjustments
Schedule Braces Installed 23 Oct 2014
Adjustment - 18 Dec 14, 19 Feb 15, 7 Apr
5 Mar 15 Palate installed
Somewhere in the Future- Double Jaw Surgery
Ridingboots wrote:I have my braces and can see changes with my front teeth and coping really well with them. Came up with ridingboots many years ago as msn chat name And kept it as I have horses and ride regularly
Have you had more adjustments
Hey Ridingboots! How's your journey going! I've had a tonne of adjustments since the last time I replied and also have had 2 appointments with a surgeon in relation to my jaw surgery. Time flies huh?!
**Uppers Braced 18/07/2014**
**Bottoms Braced 17/09/2015**
Double Jaw surgery 11th Jan 2017
Blog - http://jacintasjawsurgery.com