I just started braces, and I thought I'd start a blog to chronicle the journey.
Come take a look!
My Blog!
Moderator: bbsadmin
Re: My Blog!
Braced: April 07, 2017
Debraced: February 08, 2019
Sentence: 18-24 months
Actual time in braces: 22 months and 1 day
Reason: Straighten teeth, correct crossbite and edge-to-edge bite
Debraced: February 08, 2019
Sentence: 18-24 months
Actual time in braces: 22 months and 1 day
Reason: Straighten teeth, correct crossbite and edge-to-edge bite
Re: My Blog!
Good blog, and regular updates too which a lot of them out there seem to miss. Amazing progress too, can't believe how quick it can be at the start!
Re: My Blog!
Looks like its been taken down for me or have you changed the link? Please do update us 

Re: My Blog!
Nope, still at http://myjourneyandlifewithbraces.blogspot.ca/sim3jam wrote:Looks like its been taken down for me or have you changed the link? Please do update us
Braced: April 07, 2017
Debraced: February 08, 2019
Sentence: 18-24 months
Actual time in braces: 22 months and 1 day
Reason: Straighten teeth, correct crossbite and edge-to-edge bite
Debraced: February 08, 2019
Sentence: 18-24 months
Actual time in braces: 22 months and 1 day
Reason: Straighten teeth, correct crossbite and edge-to-edge bite