I got my braces on during the summer of my junior year going into my senior year of high school. I've wanted braces since middle school because most of my friends and other people I knew were getting theirs on at the time; it's just that it was hard to work around the price since my brother needed them too. My teeth were ALRIGHT but I had a problem with one of my canine teeth which was jagged up higher than the rest of my teeth, and I had overcrowding. 'm glad that I have braces now but I'm just waiting for the day until I get them off because as vain as it is, all of my friends had gotten them off during high school and I just feel a bit late in the braces game.
I'm 1 year and 6 months into the journey and during my last visit my orthodontist told me that I'll get them off soon. It's so vague and I'm in the process where the orthodontist keeps saying "just a few more months" but it's longer.
I'm hoping for the best!