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A 29-year-old's Braces Journey on LiveJournal

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:32 am
by NikkiH347
Hi y'all,

I have a journal set up on LiveJournal and I started documenting my experience after I had my first consultation. I go by nhenslee8205 on there so enter that username on the search page and it'll lead you to my journal. Hope you enjoy and learn some new things. I'll be around here in different topics posting some advice and opinions on various things. Looking forward to knowing you guys better! :-1

Re: A 29-year-old's Braces Journey on LiveJournal

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:23 pm
by NikkiH347
Ok let's see if this will work. I found out that if you do search on usernames, it'll force you to register with LiveJournal. I don't want you guys to do that. The web address is nhenslee8205 dot livejournal dot com. Hope this will connect you guys to my journal. Photos of my ligs are included as well. :tingrin: