Parapian, you have a great blog! And I am very happy that you are now here on archwired as well! I admire your courage and openess to share your story with the rest of the world on your blog.
I wish you very good luck with your treatment!
How are you doing now? The elastics must be very annoying, but they work like a miracle to close your open bite! What is your treatment plan now? Is surgery still an option in your treatment plan or is this surely not necessary anymore? I think you will get a great result from braces only, despite telling you at the beginning that surgery was absolutely necessary!
Anna5 wrote:Parapian, you have a great blog! And I am very happy that you are now here on archwired as well! I admire your courage and openess to share your story with the rest of the world on your blog.
Thanks so much for encouraging me to come here! It's been great fun so far!
I wish you very good luck with your treatment!
How are you doing now? The elastics must be very annoying, but they work like a miracle to close your open bite! What is your treatment plan now? Is surgery still an option in your treatment plan or is this surely not necessary anymore? I think you will get a great result from braces only, despite telling you at the beginning that surgery was absolutely necessary!
I honestly hope surgery is out of the question, but I'm a little worried about retention. My orthodontist isn't, though, so I have no idea what plans he has. I'm used to the elastics by now. It's a little annoyance I'm willing to put up with. And I only really need to wear them up to 14 hours a day. I sleep with them and then I try to wear them as much as I can around the house, but always take them out when I go out (I just don't want to draw unnecessary attention/distraction to them).
I also hope and thank that surgery is out of the question for you now! I so much hope for you that your open bite will stay closed after you are done with the braces! It is great that your ortho is not concerned about this, so maybe you don't need to worry about this too much. Do you know what plans he has to keep your bite closed?
I am happy for you that you don't need to wear those elastics for 24 hours a day!
I wish you very good luck with your treatment, parapian, keep us updated!
Who would think that little rubber bands could be so effective.
Round 3 (lifetime) Damon stainless applied 3/16/20 (after 4 weeks attempting invisalign) On for about 18 months
Night time elastics with invisalign retainers; still...
Double jaw surgery was 6/18/15...
Orthodontics never really ends...
I'm emphatically against extraction orthodontics!
Just read through your blog. I am researching all I can about open bites because I am considering what kind of treatment I want to receive to finally close mine. My dentist ignored my bite too which I'm still upset about because I could have done something about it a long time ago! Thank you for writing!
I saw your update and think your teeth are doing really good! Your open bite is completely closed and you have great ssymmetry. I am sorry for you that you still have to be in these elastics for some months, but I am sure you will be so happy once you are done!
I want to thank you very much for your loving encouragement towards me. And so I am willing to encourage you till the very end of your journey. Good luck!
Hi parapian! Thanks so much for having the foresight to document your journey and share it with all of us out there with the same issues! I'm 23 and will be starting orthodontic treatment soon (hopefully). I just need to find an orthodontist I trust first. Many orthos are insisting I need surgery but I don't think that's my only solution. Your blog has been a great resource for me to see what other treatments people are using. My only concern with using elastics to close the bite is that it feels like it's just pulling the front teeth out and down to overlap the bottom teeth. It seems like it would just cause the front teeth to be very long and even possibly cause future early gum loss or root exposure even. What did your ortho have to say about that? I've been looking into TAD's to help assist the closure, combined with elastics of course. And I'd appreciate if you should share a bit more about your expander- was it a Rapid Palatal Expander? Or a Slow Maxillary Expander? How often were you turning and for how long? All of this info would really be helpful. Thanks!!
[quote="parapian"]So here's my blog, which I started before I knew about this forum or thought about joining:
Hi! I posted this topic in the Metal Mouth forum, but thought I'd post here as well since it's relevant
My name is DIvya, I'm a 23 yo female with skeletal open bite and a posterior crossbite. I just started my orthodontic journey with various devices and braces. I had Phase 1 braces as an early teen and was told that jaw surgery was the only way to correct my open bite and narrow arch fully. I never intended to do the surgery as it's just not a comfortable option for me. Over the last year I decided to revisit orthodontics as my jaw has started to feel a bit strained. I went on 20+ orthodontic consults and everyone told me the same thing- I had to have surgery to correct both issues. I wasn't ready to accept that so I did my own thorough research for 3-4 months until I found two relatively new technologies (there's not too many studies published on either) that should eliminate the need for jaw surgery in my case altogether, if they work as anticipated. I found a special palate expander called MARPE that is able to "unlock" and widen a mature adult's maxillary bone to correct crossbite. I then saw that a combination of TAD mini-implants and elastics can facilitate the closure of an open bite by intruding/extruding teeth to fix the occlusal angle. Then I found a research university close to me that actually uses MARPE (most orthodontic practices haven't even heard of it yet), and after a consult have started my orthodontic treatment with them. Disclaimer: I am not an orthodontist and do not claim to be an authority on any orthodontic issues. Everything I share is from my own personal research (I'm pretty good at it, if I say so myself!) and my own experience.
I've started a blog to track share my progress along the way including photos, appointment summaries etc!