rejected for invisalign :-(

Discussions about treatment with invisible braces that use clear aligners, such as Invisalign, OrthoClear, the Red White and Blue system, etc.

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#16 Post by diehard »

good luck whatever u decide to do brace wise :)

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#17 Post by jeni »

I realize that this is probably coming a little late. But, I had a consult a couple of weeks ago with an ortho. He rejected me for Invisalign because I am what he considers a borderline case. I appreciated his honesty when he said that he did not feel that he had enough experience to treat me with Invisalign. I live in an area with loads of orthos to choose from and he was toward the middle of the experience list on Invisalign's website. He referred me to a couple of other orthos in the area that are more experienced with Invisalign (one is the most experienced provider after the "premier providers"). I went to go see the more experienced with Invisalign of the two last week and was told that I am a perfect candidate. So, here is the scoop. Ortho #1 quoted price for only braces was $300 more than the price I was quoted for Invisalign from ortho #2. I was also quoted 3 months less treatment time from ortho #2. Ortho #2 specializes in clear orthodontics and was very thorough in explaining everything to me and even said that I will probably need an attachment. Of course, my general dentist also said that I was a perfect candidate, but didn't explain anything to me about any attachments, complications, etc. and gave me a quote $500 less than ortho #2.

Which would you choose? It is a no-brainer for me. Ortho #1 who wants to charge the most and give me a mouth full of metal for 18 months, general dentist who apparently does know anything about orthodontics and said that no one has gone over 9 months treatment (has the same amount of experience as ortho #1 according to Invisalign's website), or ortho #2 who had the most experience, charges less, explained issues the best, gave me loads of pictures of my mouth to refer to after treatment is over and to assist with the diagnosis, took a full head x-ray to assist in the determination of if I am a candidate, and gave me a 15 month treatment time all with a free 1 hour consult? To add some frosting to the deal, ortho #2 offered free teeth whitening at the end.

Here is my advice for what it is worth - go visit the most experienced Invisalign provider in your area and get the opinions of at least 2 orthos. That will assist in determining if both really know what they are talking about. You don't want to go to a provider just because they say that Invisalign will work for you. Make sure that the provider is competant. My insurance doesn't consider ortho #2 a provider, but they will pay the same benefit anyway for the out-of-network provider. That was holding me back from visiting a more experienced provider.

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#18 Post by bbsadmin »

"Can I get Invisalign" was the one of the first questions I asked my ortho.

With my open bite and crowding, I was definitely NOT a candidate for that. I was disappointed at first, but of course I moved on and got ceramics on top and metal on the bottom.

The ads make you think that anyone can get results with Invisalign, but that's not true. Only a percentage of people are "ideal candidates" for it.
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!

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#19 Post by lionfish »

Invisalign was what got me into braces, so in a sort of weird way I'm thankful it came along. I saw the ads, got sucked in and went off for a consult. Fortunately, the ortho I was referred to also does lingual and traditional braces. He explained that invisalign wouldn't fix my problems (open bite issues being the main one), so I went for the compromise: lingual uppers and ceramic lowers.

I've come to terms with wearing braces and I know that at the end of the day, they will do the job.

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#20 Post by weird_wired »

Having been through ceramics when my teeth weren't *that* uneven to start with (though it turned out that my bite was terrible), I find it hard to see how Invisalign could have done half the things that wires have done.

The main issue would be elastics. They fixed my bite all over, and my midline. I just can't see how Invisalign could do that (and nor could my ortho, during one appointment when he was complaining how the practice wanted to offer Invisalign but he really didn't feel it was appropriate for most cases).

A year in braces has not been unbearable, honestly. Admittedly I was itching to get them off the past couple of months, and it was great to get the uppers off a fortnight ago. However had the ortho told me I needed to do another year it wouldn't have killed me. Visible braces seriously haven't been that bad.

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#21 Post by ars3i »

I have Invisalign and have had it since May of this year. I get my invislign through my normal dentist (he is certifed to use it). We did not think I was a candidate due to my extreme overcrowding, but we took a mold and send it in anways. And I got approved! I would definitely ask to at least send in a mold to the Invisalign company because you never know what they will approve!

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#22 Post by jennielondon »

I, too, thought I'd use Invisalign. However, my ortho saw differently. She said if I really wanted them, I'd have to follow up with traditional braces after I finished with the aligners.

If everyone says no, it's for your own good.

And I love LOVE LOOOOOOOVE the look (or lack thereof!) of my Clarity brackets. Even the ortho and assts were shocked at how well my teeth matched the brackets.
jennie london
socially awkward since 1984

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#23 Post by platinum »

I was offered a possibility to switch to Invisalign after metal braces have corrected the worst part. I will get ceramic tops and bottom metal brackets. Ceramics are ok, but metal ones look so ugly. I may swop to Invisalign later on.

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When will you make the switch from braces to Invisalign?

#24 Post by Maclock »

My ortho is talking about doing this, too, and I can't wait to get out of braces, but she told me that I'm likely going to have to stay in lower lingual braces for some months after my upper aligner is fitted because elastics will need to be used to close my open anterior bite. The only thing that worries me, however, is having treatment drag on for months after it was originally projected to finish.

For others reading this message, have you transitioned from traditional braces to Invisalign in mid-treatment? How did that work out for you?

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#25 Post by Maclock »


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#26 Post by jeni »

Nope. Invisalign all the way (hopefully) here. I did talk to an ortho about this option but was told that it would only cost more and nothing else.

He said that he would want to start me out with regular braces and then switch over if I really insisted. The thought being that regular braces are harder for the patient to "take off" and forget to reinsert if found to be inconvenient or painful. He said that in actuality, he has had patients that say in the beginning that they want to switch over but they eventually grow used to the braces and say to keep them on since it would only mean getting the braces off a few months sooner. He doesn't like the idea of Invisalign first then braces because he thinks that means that you just will quit after Invisalign and never come back to him. He is a perfectionist and I guess that he just doesn't want his incomplete work product running around town!!! :lol:

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#27 Post by sroberts88 »

I was originally told by an ortho in a hospital that I was not a candidate for clearstep (a UK, and cheaper, equivalent) but about 6 months later I went to another orthadontist in a private clinic and was approved :) I've had then for about a month and 1/2 now and am on my 4th tray. My teeth are looking excellent and it's working really well I'm so happy with them! So my advice would be to shop around and got give up straight away if one ortho says you're not a candidate. It may be that they haven't been properly educated about clear aligners, esp if they are older. It's always worth a 2nd try. My problem is quite sever spacing on my top teeth but already I can see a huge improvement.

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#28 Post by jennc1216 »

I was just rejected yesterday for invisalines.

i was pretty upset. i have always hated my teeth and i already paid about $700 into it all (ie-xrays, impressions, pictures) for the dentist to tell me that i cannot get them.

I had a root canal gone bad a few years ago and it needed to be pulled. so they said that i cannot get them because of the space.

they told me my only hope was vineers. but i refuse to believe that that is my only hope. It's 900 a tooth. And my only issue with my teeth are the spaces that i have.

i just want a solution.

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