Who Loves Invisalign???

Discussions about treatment with invisible braces that use clear aligners, such as Invisalign, OrthoClear, the Red White and Blue system, etc.

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Who Loves Invisalign???

#1 Post by Lilypad »

Who loves Invisalign??? I do, I do!!!!!!! This whole experience has been so worth the few inconviences I've had. Even as I wait for my refinement trays, i feel like my teeth look so much better. I've wanted this for so long, I can't believe when I look in the mirror. Me before :GapToothed: Me after :HugeGrin:

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#2 Post by sophiebomb »

I love them too!

I had metal braces back in the day and being able to compare the two, Invisalign wins big time! So many people are just finding out that I wear braces and they are always so suprised when I tell them I've had them for a year already... :D

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#3 Post by SharonD »

I have to say that I am very happy so far. I'm seeing results already on tray six and that's very exciting! I also love the fact that you can compare your old trays to your new ones to see what to expect. I've had very minimal pain with these so far as well. The only thing that I really miss is grabbing a quick cup of coffee on the run without having to think about brushing my teeth!

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#4 Post by Iwantniceteeth »

I cannot recommend Invisalign enough. I am on 12 of 24 u/l I wish I had done this ages ago, as I was always hiding my teeth in photos. Now, half way through, I have noticed a real improvement. One thing I have noticed, is that I prefer the look of my teeth with my aligners in. My teeth look straighter and whiter and no black triangles on show! This is why I always make 22 hours a day, as I feel naked without them in!

Also, as an FYI to anyone who wondered but was too shy to ask, kissing is fine with them in... No one has noticed so far :wink: ha ha

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#5 Post by scorpetteFL »

I am thrilled with the results on my bottom teeth so far - waiting for new trays for the top ones, which should have been finished long ago. So I'm glad I did this because I have a wide smile and now I won't be highlighting my crooked teeth, just straight ones! I just switched trays on the bottom and am ecstatic that snaggletooth is soon to be no more :D

I think it's worth it but OH MY will I be glad when this is over. I kind of dread finding out how many new trays I'm getting on the top, I only have 6 left on the bottom. I have some black triangles on the bottom though :(

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#6 Post by jnet »

What is a "black triangle?"

I've had my impressions and will be getting my Invisaligns on about March 18 - so I haven't started yet and I'm not familiar with some of the terminology.

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#7 Post by SayCheez »

I am soooo happy! My only regret is taking this long to get them. I smile so much more, sounds a lil vain but I practice smiling in the mirror now. lol

I love love love my new smile and Im not even done yet! 11L/23 upper - Im done with the lowers and on the 14th upper.

I would recommend this to all adults considering changing their smile. Its the best ever.
:lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :D <--- me all day now.

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#8 Post by Miela »

Iwantniceteeth - about preferring the look of your teeth with the aligners in. Me too!! I actually don't like my teeth without the aligners in. In fact I can't even talk properly without them in which is a big shock. I have a greater lisp without the aligners than with. I'm not sure if this is b/c my bite is all over the place as I am no way near completed yet or b/c I have gotten used to speaking with the aligners in.

Anyone else have similar issues?

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#9 Post by Iwantniceteeth »

I totally agree with you - I spit everywhere when they are out, but have normal speech and no spraying spit on my friends when I'm wearing them! My teeth look more even and straight with them in, as my IPR hasn't closed up yet and looks horrible without the aligners.

My friend was so impressed with my progress, she decided to get Invisalign too. She is starting 5 months after me yet will be done a month before me - not fair :( haha

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#10 Post by diehard »

Iwantniceteeth i do not know if u have thought about if you need a whitening treatment when finished, but if u r like me and think over £4000 is plenty too much and do not want to fork out £395 for tooth whitening kit off ortho u can do what i did and get a mid range strength kit 1st i used dr george (£13.99) off ebay, then i after a few weeks the teeth would not get any whiter and i was used to the bleech i got a 36% syringe for less than £4 which i thought would either not work or melt my teeth but after a few goes it really did work. just so u can check it out, Item number: 190198287021 on ebay
and just so everyone knows im not the seller :lol: im just saying what i used and saved £££££

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#11 Post by Iwantniceteeth »

Thanks Diehard, but my ortho has a great product for £60 which can be kept in the fridge and used again if the teeth become discoloured again. It's the trays that make it expensive, and as I will have trays already, I will use them each time I want to re whiten my teeth. I will have to wait until I'm finished as I have attachments and it will look odd if I whiten with those in place. Therefore, I'm waiting for the refinement trays, without attachments, before I whiten.

My friend was so impressed with my treatment so far, she is doing it too. However, as her case is so simple, she will be done 2 months before me, after starting 5 months after me. Not fair!! Roll on July, if all goes to plan.

It's amazing how much your teeth move in such a little time. I didnt think there was much of a change, but comparing to aligner 1, there's huge progress.

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#12 Post by John37 »

I have been pleased with Invisalign so far (on 14 of 28 ). Not much pain. No other problems. My teeth are starting to look better.

I lived with crooked teeth for 20+ years and never much worried about it. I never thought they were that crooked, but my smile didn't look good in pictures. The flash really makes crooked teeth stand out. At the first consultation the dentist said I was a major case and I was shocked in disbelief. There are worse cases, but mine was pretty bad. I guess I didn't spend much time comparing my teeth to other people. I couldn't wait for the trays so I could start Invisalign. I'm so glad I decided to do it and I would encourage others to do Invisalign (or braces) if their teeth are crooked.

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#13 Post by CrookedSmileNH »

I'm glad to see all of the positive replies. I just pulled the trigger on treatment after years and years of thinking about it. I had one lower extraction in the front to make room and just had the molds/impressions taken yesterday afternoon. I can't wait, and I'm so happy to hear the positive feedback! :D

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#14 Post by dojo »

I have just 1 week since I started with Invisalign and it's a blast. I do brush a lot and don't eat as often as I did, but they are easy to wear (I take them out fast and put them back too) and I really love them
Orthodontics patient from 2007 to 2010.
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#15 Post by RenaissanceGurl »

I TOTALLY LOVE Invisalign!!!!!
I've had such a smooth treatment!

Absolutely no pain, but a lot of gain! :D

I'm about to finish my treatment soon and I loved every minute of it, honestly (well, except maybe the first 3 days when the lisping was noticeble - after that my speech went normal very quickly).

The only "bad" thing was that I really wish I had done this a lot earlier!!!

I can REALLY recomment Invisalign - although I would never have believed that it works in my case - before my treatment, I believed that only metal braces would work on my teeth!


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