Hi! I am getting my Invisalign in a few weeks, but my ortho told me that I would need attachments on my four upper front teeth, he said they could be applied to the back of the tooth and that they would not be noticeable but I was looking around the forum and I haven't seen any cases where the attachments are on the back of the tooth... is it possible?
Oh that is awesome! I was really hoping I wouldn't need to get attatchments because I feel it kinda defeats the purpose of having "invisible" braces, I am really anxious to get them.
I thought someone else on here mentioned they had some attachments on the back of the teeth. Seems like it would be harder because the back of the front teeth are not as smooth as the front. I will ask my dentist next week when we discuss my refinements.
I had 1 lingual attachment on one of my lower canines.
I needed that in order to rotate the tooth. I have also wondered why they don't put the lingual attachments by default. Atleast it worked fine for me for that tooth.