When Do You Start Dating Again After Getting Aligners?

Discussions about treatment with invisible braces that use clear aligners, such as Invisalign, OrthoClear, the Red White and Blue system, etc.

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When Do You Start Dating Again After Getting Aligners?

#1 Post by hvan »

I took a couple of months off dating and match.com b/c I wasnt sure how getting my aligners would impact my life.

I am in my first wk of wearing them and still getting use to elaborate cleaning routine and change in life style. I am less spontaneous now and feel like I have to plan ahead for things (meals/clean kit, bathroom locations, snack times, work/activity schedule). It has really force me to be deliberate and methodical. Not to mention it has changed in my speech.

How long did it take for you to get back to dating scene? Any awkwardness? Difficulty with night outings (dinner/drinks)? Did you tell person you dated? Did they noticed at first? Is it apparent during kissing?

To those that are not single and have a supportive spouse/partner already, you guys/gals are so lucky!


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#2 Post by Weeeyin »

I didn't have the most supportive partner on the lead up to getting the aligners fitted he was very agains me having "train tracks". The night I came home from the ortho I went to the loo before dinner - said I was washing my hands, after the meal was over sat a while then went back to the loo stuck the trays back in.

I must have been lucky there were no changes to my speech at all so he never noticed, it was about a week or so after the first tray (doing all the usual relationship things) when he noticed a denture brush in the pot in the bathroom and asked what it was for.......when i told him I'd got my braces fitted, he hadnt even noticed at all! I can assure you if they trays were obvious i'd be dumped! lol

I've sussed out a teeny blob of white sensitive toothpaste in the trays at night (had to as my teeth were getting sensitive and it was suggested to me) seems to sort out the morning breath too which is brilliant.

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#3 Post by swedishsmile »

I've been single during the treatment, but have never stopped dating. Sometimes I removed the aligners but sometimes I didn't. I really think wearing Invisalign should stop you from dating. It's not that strange...

No girl I dated noticed the aligners (as far as I know). I actually told one girl about my treatment. She didn't seem to bother.
I've also been lucky not having my speech changed.

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#4 Post by Wireless »

While I'm not dating, I can say that my wife does not notice my aligners when kissing. I have mine in most of the time as they keep my attachments from being uncomfortable. If a spouse can't tell I'm wearing aligners, I doubt any date would notice!

Eating and drinking is a whole different subject! In social situations, I'm frequently offered food I have to decline or something to drink. If I drink anything with my aligners in, I try for non-colored stuff (beer, wine, sprite) and then try to rinse everything soon afterwards.

I've found in social situations, its easier just to tell folks I have plastic braces rather than trying to make excuses for declining food or drink. Nobody seems to take offense and everyone seems to lose interest after I tell them.

If your date has straight teeth, there is a really good chance that he or she has worn braces in the past and will understand. This could end up being something in common. Since I've started treatment, I've been surprised how many friends have either had braces in the past or want to have their teeth straightened. In the case your date finds this objectionable, you probably should consider dating someone else anyhow!

I definitely would not give up my social life because of braces - Invisalign or otherwise. Part of the reason for having ortho treatment is to have a friendlier, warmer smile with the social benefits. Don't let this interfere with going out!! You may have an awkward experience the first time or two, but you'll figure out how to deal with it.

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#5 Post by anastasia »

I've actually taken them out for dates.. I know it's not the smartest thing to do, but I feel a bit self-conscious on dates so the aligners are suddenly all I can think about :oops:

I don't really date much though, I have to admit that I've kind of put that part of my life on hold for when I'm done with this thing! It was part of the plan, I knew this year would be less social and more about studies than usual (final year of writing a masters thesis) so I felt it was a good time to do invisalign. But I don't think it should keep people from dating, it's just me that really don't need a boyfriend right now!

Still, I have dated a few guys after starting invisalign (some people you just can't resist!) and found that the best thing to do is to just tell them so you don't have to worry about it.
I've tried keeping it a secret, but that can quickly become a hassle. If things get serious, you have to tell them anyway. I ended up in a short relationship with one guy, and it really was a weight off my shoulders when I finally told him. Should've done it sooner!

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#6 Post by myhollywoodsmile »

I'm married so I can't say about dating, but my husband barely notices them. He says that he thought that they would be much more noticeable. He doesn't like me to remove them in front of him, and I tend to agree it probably does look a bit gross, but other than that, no problems.

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#7 Post by parkersg »

ive been single throughout my treatment (10 months now, only 4 more to go!) :) anyways ive dated through out and i cant understand why you would be embarrassed, i tell everyone about them, if nothing else its a great conversation starter!

i can 100% guarantee you that NO-ONE is going to care, or be bothered by it

as for the other questions, no its not noticible when kissing, in fact i was on a second date with a guy and was telling him bout invisalign and he looked really suprised and i asked him why he was and he said that first it was cuz he hadnt noticed at all and second because we had kissed on our first date and he didnt notice either!

had a lisp for the first week/2weeks, it went away after that and havn't had the slightest problem with it since so dont worry bout that one

and also dont worry bout taking them out or anything, u'll find that ANYWHERE you go, there will be a bathroom to go to, i always just excuse myself (infact i actually just tell whoever im with that im goin to take out my aligners!) and its fine, go back and brush them when you're done (i bring a travel toothbrush and toothpaste everywhere with me, i just throw it in my handbag)

hope this helped you, because you definately shouldn't let invisalign stop you from dating!

all the best

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#8 Post by WPGKatie »

I have been in my Invisaligns for a little over one year now, and still have approximately one year left, now. My smile, by the way, is coming along GREAT....with one acception).

I have been on several dates with different people, and have found no shame in telling people that I am trying to straighten my teeth. I actually find it an interesting topic of conversation.

My orthodontist has made this very difficult for me to "not have a problem" with taking my liners out, as during one of my appointments, he cracked off 3 quarters of my right-eye tooth.

However, when I went on a date with someone last Monday, I told the guy I was on the date with DURING the date that I had to go to the bathroom to "take out my braces" and that I would appreciate it if he did not laugh at me when I came back to the table.

Like a gentleman, she smiled, and said I still looked beautiful, tooth missing, and all. Between appetizers, and the full meal, I put my liners back in, and excused myself from the table to brush my teeth.

He laughed, and said it was cute, and attractive that I want to take care of myself, including my smile. People appreciate good hygene, as do I.

I am a 21 year old female, and I am outgoing, so this might be different for me, as not everyone is as outgoing as I am.

There is no problem with kissing, or any other kind of "intimacy" with my liners in.

I however have a SLIGHT lisp while talking, just saying anything that ends in s, or "th" in some cases. However, I have easily adapted to this, and use the muscles in my mouth to try and disguise this.

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