Positive stories!

Discussions about treatment with invisible braces that use clear aligners, such as Invisalign, OrthoClear, the Red White and Blue system, etc.

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Positive stories!

#1 Post by xJx »

I want to hear your positive experiences with Invisalign,Ive heard so many negative things,it would be nice to hear the good things about your experience,I know there will be lows,but for now I would like to focus on the highs,as I'm very interested in getting Invisalign!

any comments would be appreciated!:D
Smile and the world smiles with you! :D


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#2 Post by pie »

I would like to share the positive experiences with my Invisalign process.
Like you, I researched a lot about the process before beginning and had my doubts. This was mostly because many of the stories you hear are from people venting or because they have had problems along the way and are looking for solutions.

For my case however, things have gone way smoother than I would have ever imagined. Although the wait from the initial impressions to the first set of aligners arriving took about 8 weeks, I was still every excited in starting the journey. I had 21U/18L aligners and have now completed the first phase of Invisalign, awaiting the refinement 1 aligners.

I believe my success has been mostly due to 2 factors:

1 - My commitment to wearing the aligners for 20-22 hours per day, every day. I even keep a spreadsheet for a daily update of how long I have them out for. I think doing it this way keeps you “honestâ€

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#3 Post by Wobblydeb »

As you've realised there are good and bad points for Invisalign! You've obviously found the posts that cover some of the bad points, so here's some areas I am finding better than the fixed braces I had as a teenager:

They are much more comfortable - okay they ache when you put in a new set, but nowhere near as much as fixed braces! I used to wake up in the middle of the night after an adjustment and couldn't sleep for the pain. Now, its a dull ache/tightness when I start a new tray, but not enough even to require pain killers.

Getting the moulds done, and fitting the first trays is far easier than getting spacers / brackets / wires put on. My alternative was lingual braces, and when I think of what the adjustments must be like I am glad all I have to do is practice getting the new tray in and out ;) I'm also glad I'm not going to have to go through de-bracing (I remember the battle to get my molar bands off even now, 20 years later)

I can see what's going to happen next :)

When I have dinner with someone, I don't have to worry that they're looking at my teeth and thinking 'oh my god, she's got half her dinner wedged in those brackets!'

I actually started seeing an improvement around tray 4-5, didn't find IPR difficult at all and am generally pleased with where I am at. Two teeth aren't quite where they should be, but it is minor niggles rather than any "yikes, he's ruined my teeth" type stuff.
Initial set: 31 upper / 17 lower
1st refinement: 14 upper / 10 lower
2nd refinement: 10 upper / 5 lower

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#4 Post by Wireless »

xJx, I think you have asked a really good question! In my case, I have several positives for Invisalign:

1) The first is probably unique - my ortho recommended Invisalign over traditional braces due to a resorbed tooth root from a previous time with braces. I expect these types of recommendations will become more prevalent as Invisalign techniques progress.
2) Nobody notices them. Even my adult kids didn't see any difference until I told them.
3) My gum health has improved substantially since I started treatment. In my case, a deep overbite had caused significant gum irritation. Traditional braces can cause problems with gum health. With the brushing and flossing involved with Invisalign, you probably can't go wrong here!

There are probably more discussions about problems and concerns as everyone is looking for reassurance that their problem is not unique and maybe somebody else has suggestions or experiences that can help. In my case, this is my third encounter with an orthodontist, so I'm looking for all the info and suggestions I can get.

Perhaps a more important question is what positive comments are there about everyone 's orthodontist. In my case I have one who has an advanced degree and has been able to tell my why I've had past problems. He has also been willing to do extra research and look for good alternatives when finding problems. My treatment plan with Invisalign probably was not available a year ago - things in this field are changing that fast. I was concerned at first that my ortho may be to young and needed more clinical experience, even though he was recommended by my dentist and my kids' orthodontist. I have found that his background has helped have an open-minded approach. He is the primary person I see at every appointment and the staff is involved only to assist. I also feel I am getting a lot of special attention as he finds my case a lot more interesting and challenging than a 13 year old!

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#5 Post by anastasia »

I love invisalign!

OK, I'm a bit bored with it now and count the days until I'm done (in july, yay!), but all in all it has been pretty easy breezy.

I expected attachements and got only one, on a canine, so that was all good.
No problems taking the tray in or out, no pain, no attachement falling off, no sore tongue, no cracks, rips, broken or lost aligners.
No cavities or anything like that, actually my teeth and gums look way better. People have recently been commenting on how white my teeth look and ask if I have bleached them. Which I haven't. I think it's just all the brushing and flossing (didn't floss much before, I have to admit). Or maybe they just look better cos they're straighter?

Because they do look good, that's the best part! I've got 5 trays to go, and my ortho doesn't seem to think I need refinements. Everything is going as planned.

Nobody has noticed the tray, some have noticed the attachement. Besides, my teeth look better with the tray in!

And I've been cheating, I have to admit that.. which makes invisalign even easier to live with.

Besides from the fact that I'm starting to get really impatient to be done with it and get my killer smile, it's been a good experience and I would definitely recommend invisalign to others. I don't usually think about it anymore, I flash my wide smile all day long and I've gotten so used to the tray that it's weird to not have it in my mouth.

Who knows, maybe I'll even miss my little plastic friends hugging my teeth when I'm done :lol:

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#6 Post by myhollywoodsmile »

Hi there,

I love Invisalign too. If you want to read about my whole experience it is in my blog, but honestly so far it really has been a breeze. I would rate the inconvenience factor as 3/10, whereas I love how my teeth are improving. I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to recommend them.

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Positive stories!

#7 Post by shagsoprano »

i have nothing but good things to say: my attachments don't hurt, never fell off and cannot be seen....of course the liners are invisible too, the only visibility being they give your teeth an shiny enamel like sheen like you've had $20,000 worth of dental work! you get so used to having the liners in it actually feels weird when they're out, and because they're always in, you don't snack, you don't bite your nails, you don't chew gum and you brush and floss your teeth a minimum of three times a day which gives you the whitest teeth of your life! and oh yeah, your teeth are getting straightened to boot! i also don't have problems cleaning my liners or taking them out, even when they're new and at their most snug.
i read the other posts of problems and consider myself lucky.

lemon tree
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#8 Post by lemon tree »

i'm on tray 13 of 20U/21L and have had a really good experience so far too. it's discrete, i'm able to track progress easily, able to brush and floss as usual, treatment hopefully will be much shorter than with metal braces and discomfort has been minimal. i really wish I had started this much sooner!

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