attachment help

Discussions about treatment with invisible braces that use clear aligners, such as Invisalign, OrthoClear, the Red White and Blue system, etc.

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attachment help

#1 Post by mjshorses »

Hi! Today I got my attachments put on, 6 on the top and 5 on the bottom (two of the ones on the bottom are on the backside of my teeth) anyway, I went to take them out to eat dinner (and I had a heck of a time. It took me forever and I even have one of those hook things) and two of my bottom attachments came off!!!!!! Does anyone have any advice on how to get them on and off? I don't see this going well tomorrow at work.

Also, has anyone had a similar experience? I called the orthodontist and they told me I could come in at my next appointment and they would reattach them but that's 8 weeks from now! Aren't they important? Why put them on in the first place if they don't have to be in for the whole treatment? My treatment is suppose to be 16U/16L and I just started tray 3 today. So, that would put me at the start of tray 7 by the time they reattach them. That's almost half the treatment without? Won't this have a negative effect? I told them I would prefer to come in tomorrow to have them replaced and they finally agreed. I just don't understand why waiting 2 months to have them put back on would be okay?!

Also, after the ortho-assistant put the attachments on, she polished around my teeth "to clean up the excess glue" but after I had gotten the aligners out I was running my tongue across my teeth out of habit and behind my tooth that's right next to one of my front teeth (which has a button on the front) its all rough and projected on the back as if I have an attachment back there but when I look at my aligner there isn't a bubble for an attachment in the back of that tooth. And when I went to floss my teeth I couldn't get the floss in between those two teeth and I naturally have a small gap there. Anyway, I forced the floss up and it ended up breaking the glue/cement causing the piece to go right up into my gum which hurt and bled a lot. (That was a bad idea) but now I'm almost positive she didn't clean off all the excess attachment cement or whatever it is and now I have a "pseudo-button" on the back where it shouldn't be. I was just curious if anyone else has had a similar experience.

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