Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!

Discussions about treatment with invisible braces that use clear aligners, such as Invisalign, OrthoClear, the Red White and Blue system, etc.

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Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!

#1 Post by ChelseaRox »

Im getting my first invisalign tray tomorrow!!! :HugeGrin: Not sure if I should be excited or scared?? I phoned my dentist today and he said the attachments will not go on for 8 I can get use to my trays. Is it normal to wait that long?? He is also going to email my clincheck to me, I asked for it as I had read on this site that some dentists do that. I rushed home from work to check my emails but its not there yet :(

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#2 Post by BraceFace2o1o »

Oh how exciting!!! That is fantastic... I know I would feel very excited lol.

I have heard people say they don't usually get attachments on the first set, maybe the 3rd onwards.

Good luck for tomorrow, I am sure you will be fine. Please keep us updated!


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#3 Post by Wireless »

My attachments were put on after six weeks - your eight week wait isn't that unusual. It takes some time getting used to your trays and how to take them out. During the first few weeks, you'll still have tooth movement and be making progress, so this isn't wasted time.

Attachments definitely take some time to get used to having them and getting your aligners out. Depending on how many and where they are, this can be a challenge at first. You wouldn't want to deal with this the first tray or so.

Good luck!!!

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#4 Post by Cheeeese »

I got mine yesterday!

The biggest difference is that I can't completely bite down, so it feels like I have in Dracula teeth. I don't know if I should call it a lisp but I definetly am talking diffrently. My aligners have bubbles for attachments (3 on top, 4 on bottom). All of the attachments are on side teeth, but could be visible if I open my mouth too wide. They are DEFINETLY CLEAR!

I had a bad dream last night that I broke one and it would cost $1500 to replace it.... I woke up soooooo happy it was a dream BUT my teeth/gums hurt. I could not wait to take them out! I took another advil before putting them back in..... that helped ALOT!

My next visit is in four weeks when I will get the attachments and be given 2 sets of trays (8 wks. total).

I am happy, happy, happy I chose invisalign so far. I know it's only day one, but I am glad it's not too obvious and I am confident it will have good results.

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#5 Post by andrea26 »

good luck with your first tray. it is definately going to feel strange and you will probably want to take them out as soon as possible. They will feel annoying and uncomfortable but your mouth will get used to them in couple of days. I got my clincheck before i got my trays to decide if i want to go ahead with the treatment so i find it strange that you didnt. I got my attachment after 4 weeks. Well, good luck again!

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#6 Post by ChelseaRox »

Thanks for the feedback people. Its now 6am (Australia), & I hardly slept last night...not sure if it was from being nervous or excited. Glad to hear that its the norm not to get attachments from day 1. I have only told my daughter & sister that today is the big day so will be interesting to see who notices. andrea26: I saw my clincheck at the dentist but that was about 4 weeks ago, I wasnt given a copy. Ive checked my email today & its not there so will mention it to him today. Cheeese: Good luck with your invisalign journey, I will let you know about how many Upper/Lower in getting, I remember 23 being mentioned but Im not sure. Heres hoping that the next time I post I can include a Happy Face emoticon.

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#7 Post by ChelseaRox »

OK Im back form the dentist with my invisalign on!! :D He did some filing...which was ok and also put 2 attachments on 2 lower teeth. At my next appointment in 8 weeks Im getting another 7 attachments :( . I do not feel any pain or pressure, he told me to leave them in until dinner time & to have a milk shake thru a straw for lunch, leaving them in (just this one & only time!!). I went to see my parents, neither of them noticed them & so far my speech has not been affected. I find my self sucking on them, hope this is ok? Im the bag of goodies he gave me is those chewies things...Im to bite on them 2-3 times a day for 15 mins. The real test will be tonight when I see my kids & husband & when I have to take them out :crazy: BTW Im 41 y.o. & will have 23U/23L.

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#8 Post by Cheeeese »

Congrats to you ChelseaRox! Im wondering how was your night? Did the pressure increase?? I am now nearing 48 hrs. and its getting much better. I took an advil before bed and I awoke feeling pretty good. I have not removed them yet for breakfast (well lunch actually, Im a late riser), so I wonder if there will be pain when I remove them.

I wonder why I didn't get any chewies. And I suck on them all the time, I though this may be making the aligner even tighter, but I can't help myself.... EXCEPT sucking morning spit out of your aligners just doesn't taste too good.... FYI.

I'm 36 and have 10U/10L but I wear each set for 4 weeks, so we'll be progressing along at the same rate. Good Luck!

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#9 Post by andrea26 »

i remember sucking on my aligners the first few weeks after i got them and found that really strange. I think its normal but dont worry once you get all your attachments you will not be able to do this anymore as they will feel so much tighter.

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#10 Post by Cheeeese »

gee Andrea26...... just when I thought these things couldn't get any tighter, you're telling me their gonna get tighter!

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#11 Post by ChelseaRox »

Had a great nights sleep, no discomfort at all. The top one r easy to get out but the bottom, where i have a really inward tooth & 2 attachments r difficult. I used the liitle hook thing & it made it a bit easier, my lip got jamed between my tooth & tray & cut it!! oh well cant complain at least my teeth arent hurting. The chewie things r used like u were chewing the end of a pen (but dont use a pen :crazy: ). I think they help to make the trays fit tight, when I bite on them the trays feel tighter, the dentist said it helps the straightening process??. Maybe email your dentist about them. He emailed my ClinCheck video, I cant stop looking at it, if I can work out how to put it on this site I will. Ive taken my trays out this morning & teeth felt a little dif, kind of delicate, & I can feel the 2 attachments, I prefer having trays in, makes my teeth feel more normal. I had to show someone my invisalign so I showed my 10 y.o. daughter, she just said, Kool! My son & husband still havent noticed, I dont think they will but going to the bathroom to remove & replace trays might give it away or maybe they might think I have lost my bladder control!! Not sure how to start a blog page but will try to work it out so I dont keep posting to this thread. Cheeese....its great to have someone to take the journey with, heres to a FAB smile :-88

Northun Munkeygirl
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Friday - my first day too

#12 Post by Northun Munkeygirl »

Hey ChelseaRox, yesterday was my first day too :oops: , and a day of firsts for lots of things ...

i've never slurped so much in my entire life

then i had the whole "where to take them out" decision that lots of people have spoken about on the other threads

then the speech was a bit weird and lisp like - i'm really pleased though that if i needed to that i could take them out if i was having an important conversation (like next week when i'm meeting the CEO of the company)

then i had the "who do i tell" - told my friend at work cause i wasnt as chatty as usual and she said she hadnt noticed either the brace or the speech until i told her (big thumbs up)

then i went out for drinks last night - i have to confess i took them out for a couple of hours as i was quite paranoid, then later on i popped them back in (amazing the confidence a few drinks gives you)

then ive just had my first sleep !!!!! and woken up with a yackkie mouth ... hence why i'm up at 06:30 on a Saturday morning.

anyways ... i'd never thought of looking up a forum to speak with other people going through the same, but i'm really happy to have found this as it lets me know what to expect and whats normal :shock:

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#13 Post by ChelseaRox »

Hi Northun MunkeyGirl, how many upper/lower trays in your treatment? Any plans for attachments? I will have 9 attachments in total...not looking forward to that!! I get a very dry mouth & have been drinking heaps of water. Im really missing being able to drink what ever I want...not worth the effort of taking trays out. Have you had any pain with yours?? Oh and my hubby still hasnt noticed!! Think I will book an appt for him to have his eyes checked.

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#14 Post by Wireless »

If you find a good eye-doc for your hubby, let me know. I'm eight months into treatment and my wife still offers me between meal snacks, followed by "Oops, I forgot!" I'm starting to wonder if she is really forgetting or is this a new way to give me grief!! LOL

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#15 Post by kezzakattami »

A lot of people say that the dry mouth goes after a week or two but not for me, Im 6 months into my treatment and still thirsty most of the time!!

Im not complaining though, there are so many benefits of drinking lots of water - better skin, nails, energy levels etc etc

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