Once I take them off, they're not as shiny, I see the front tooth has yet to move that much and I'm kinda like "aww" lol. I know I'm not alone.
Anyway, I feel the back teeth have moved, but still working on the front tooth to align itself correctly. I have faith it will, but I keep praying it'll be any day now. I hear halfway is when the front teeth has moved for many people, but sometimes it doesn't move until the final four trays or so (which would be trays 14-18 for me).
Can't believe it's been 4 months since I've had Invisalign though. Time flies. It's a hassle at times, but being out of work partially has been a blessing in disguise in one regard. I'd hate to work full time (M-F 9-5) with Invisalign. Hopefully when they're ready to be taken out for good I'll be working full time with a straight smile

So far I'm happy with Invisalign. The trays don't hurt at all. In fact, my latest tray I only felt the SLIGHTEST discomfort for maybe 15 minutes.... a new career best! Usually it took a day or two for my teeth to adjust. But lately it's only taken 15 minutes or so. Should this be something to be worried about, or is it a good sign that my teeth are moving on schedule?
4 more months to go... halfway home (hopefully!)