Invisalign Concerns

Discussions about treatment with invisible braces that use clear aligners, such as Invisalign, OrthoClear, the Red White and Blue system, etc.

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Phantom Muse
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Location: Chicago, IL

#16 Post by Phantom Muse »

Sometimes the lisp sneaks up on me, especially if I am tired or talking a lot.

It is possible that you are compensating a bit for the new tray (pain/discomfort, tray not completely settled onto your teeth yet, etc.), but I wouldn't worry that you are destined to lisp with each new tray! Some trays make far bigger changes than others so that may affect how you talk, but either way, the lisp will go away soon... :)

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#17 Post by kezzakattami »

I have been in my essix retainer for 5 months now and still find myself lisping now and again! Often, like the previous poster, it happens when Im tired but 99% of the time my mouth adapts as soon as I pop them in!

Steph in Sac
Posts: 160
Joined: Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:18 pm

#18 Post by Steph in Sac »

This has been an interesting read. I almost got Invisalign. The buttons pushed me over to the "no" side. My ortho never mentioned them during our consultation, nor did I see anything about them in the literature. I found them only when Googling real pictures (not advertisment photos) and became curious about them. Like anything else, it sounds like they aren't so bad in reality. (I ended up with ICE brackets on my lowers only. Go figure.)

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