So, I've heard rumours that Clearstep have gone into administration.
I only found out yesterday as I stumbled across some Twitter posts by dentists/orthodontists using the system. They were saying that the company was in trouble and they weren't responding to emails or phone calls. I've not heard anything from my dentist yet but I intend to ring him next week to find out more.
To be honest, I'm not surprised that they're having problems as my treatment has been a complete shambles. I'm currently wearing my 48th upper aligner after 25 months of treatment. I have 8 more aligners to go after this one and then I was supposed to close the remaining extraction gaps with sectional fixed appliances. I have no idea what will happen now.
I won't be finished for another 6/7 months at the
very least, taking my treatment time up to 32 months minimum. I was originally told it would take 18 months.
What a complete waste of time and money this has been. Unfortunately, I can't turn back the clock and stop myself from doing this in the first place. If I could then I certainly would.