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Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:06 am
by mcawful
I'm on aligner 8/41 (but only 8 weeks in - my treatment plan dictates that I change them weekly, not bi-weekly). Although there is no noticeable change in my teeth yet, here are the benefits:

1. My teeth look whiter with my aligners in.

2. My teeth look straighter and much better in pictures with my aligners in.

3. My bite is very slowly improving.

4. No one I haven't told has noticed my Invisalign, even with the attachments and even when I turn around and rip them out. And, the most important of all:

5. INVISALIGN MADE ME THIN!! I've lost almost 10 pounds so far. The daily rituals with Invisalign and obsession with getting my 23 hours in has eliminated snacking completely. When I started to lose weight, I figured I could help the process by changing my meals to low-fat, low-calorie Lean Cuisines or Smart Ones, and I've effectively cut almost 1000 calories from my daily diet.

33 weeks to go!

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:53 pm
by Lilypad
My treatment actually stretched into about 10 months. I had a delay when I had to have a frenectomy. Also, I did a refinement series of 4 alligners which added 2 months. Now I am wearing an essix retainer at night and using my last Inviaslign alligner for about 6 hours during the day. The Invisalign is sooooooo much better than the essix. I really can barely keep the essix in at night its so much bulkier. I'm having some pain upon removal of the essix that my ortho suggested keeping the Invisalign in for a few hours to let my teeth settle into their new positions. I also had a permanent wire retainer placed on the front two teeth. But, overall, I'm extremely happy with the way my teeth look now! :banana:

Re: Who Loves Invisalign???

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:05 pm
by clarajones
ashleycameron wrote:How long it took you for treatment?
I heard it will take atleast 6 month... Whether it is true...
Lilypad wrote:Who loves Invisalign??? I do, I do!!!!!!! This whole experience has been so worth the few inconviences I've had. Even as I wait for my refinement trays, i feel like my teeth look so much better. I've wanted this for so long, I can't believe when I look in the mirror. Me before :GapToothed: Me after :HugeGrin:

Yes you are right it will take atleast 6 week to heel....


Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:33 am
by Leelee
I'm only on my first aligner, but so far, I love Invisalign, too! At first, I felt a little pressure, but now, my teeth feel more normal with them in than out :) I hope the rest of my trays will go over this smoothly.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:10 am
by Devushka
I'm only on my first aligner, but so far, I love Invisalign, too! At first, I felt a little pressure, but now, my teeth feel more normal with them in than out Smile I hope the rest of my trays will go over this smoothly.
I hear you! It is so odd that it feels so much more normal, better with the aligners in. I wonder how long it will take me to get used to not having them again when I am done treatment....
Congrats on getting started! Good luck :)

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:59 pm
by Leelee
Devushka wrote:
I'm only on my first aligner, but so far, I love Invisalign, too! At first, I felt a little pressure, but now, my teeth feel more normal with them in than out Smile I hope the rest of my trays will go over this smoothly.
I hear you! It is so odd that it feels so much more normal, better with the aligners in. I wonder how long it will take me to get used to not having them again when I am done treatment....
Congrats on getting started! Good luck :)
Thanks! Yeah, I wonder about how my bite will feel and how long it will take me to get used to not having them in all the time, too. Hope it goes well, heh. I love your blog, by the way ;) Where did you get the banner photo? Or did you make it?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:34 pm
by Devushka

No, the picture isn't mine but I chose it because it is similar to my drawing style. Me and paint programs on computers...well lets just say we don't get along!

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:47 am
by ChocolateLavaCake
I am only on my first tray but I love the experience so far:)
I felt a little bit of pressure for the first three days and now I am on my 13th day and from my fourth day to today my trays have felt more like they are just sitting on my teeth without pressure.

I have been brushing and flossing twice a day now.

I have also been watching my sweets intake because I don't want any sugar sitting on my teeth.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:47 pm
by anastasia
I love Invisalign too!

I'm far too vain to have braces. And far too vain to have crooked teeth! So when I finally found out about Invisalign, I was thrilled.

The first few days I felt like I had this HUGE mouth gard or something in my mouth, and felt stupid when I talked to people. I was thinking "oh my god, is it going to be like this for a year? This was the worst idea ever". But now I'm more comfortable with them in than out!

Only thing is, I'm really impatient. I can't wait until I get results! But it feels good to have started a treatment, especially since it's a walk in the park. If my teeth turn out nice and straight according to plan, I'll be a one happy customer!

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:37 am
by Fishamble
Love them???? Are you all having a laugh?

They're sitting in my mouth 22+ hours a day making my cheeks sore, my tongue sore, quite possibly accelerating the rotting of my teeth. I have to remember to bring a container with me everywhere I go, I have to remember to put them back in every time I eat something. I have to fret about whether it's too early to change to the next set every couple of weeks, and then endure the pain of the new set for days afterwards. I have to worry about leaving them out too long if I go out to 'enjoy' myself. I can't taste drinks as well as I'd like when they're in place. I have to brush my teeth 4+ times a day, and floss them more often than I actually do. And then I have to scrub the hateful 'clamps' to stop them turning completely brown and filthy. I have a lisp that comes and goes as I progress through each pair.

I hate these braces. But I want my teeth to be straight, so I'm enduring them. I can't see anything to love, but I'm very happy for all of you who can.

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:53 pm
by Lilypad
Like I've said before.....ATTITUDE is everything when it comes to Invisalign. All the problems seemed so minor to me, prob since I've wanted this so bad for so long. Now that I'm all done I'm so glad I did it! I think I'm getting more wrinkles now that I'm smiling so much. LOL :lol:

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:08 am
by swedishsmile
It really seems like we all have different experiences with Invisalign. I have virtaually no problem at all. No pain, no lisp and treatment progress as expected.
I did have a sore tongue the first couple of trays but no more. I'm on tray 18 of 37, halfway through. In half a year I will have straigth teeth which I've dreamt of for 10 years now! Can't say that I LOVE Invisalign but surely it's worth every penny.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:52 am
by holograms
I was on the train on Saturday and a drunken girl stumble towards me shouting ‘You got Invisalign like me – woo hoo!’

Me being slightly intoxicated as well jumped up and hi five her and we did a jig on the crowded train. Whilst everyone on the train looked at us like crazy drunks.

I love Invisalign and I love meeting Invisalign wearers!