Almost finished invisalign... question about veneers

Discussions about treatment with invisible braces that use clear aligners, such as Invisalign, OrthoClear, the Red White and Blue system, etc.

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Phantom Muse
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#16 Post by Phantom Muse »

In my particular case, my fee covers the initial trays, a mid-course correction if needed, and three refinements. I am in Chicago, and I am paying $5050 for all of this, including retention. It is unlikely I will need three refinements, let alone a mid-course correction, but my ortho's rate was similar to the others I consulted initially, so I may be paying a little extra just for the security of everything working out as I'd like.

One refinement is used up each time my ortho submits an order for new trays. For instance, my lowers have only seven trays and my uppers have twelve. If I wanted to do refinements on my lowers before my uppers were completed, that would count as one refinement (with two still left). However, I will probably wait until my uppers are done and do the refinements on both arches together. Because refinements for both arches are being submitted at the same time, that still only counts as one refinement - so I'd still have two left.

If your situation works like mine, you should still be entitled to refinements. I guess, however, this all does depend upon what you paid for. I think the number of refinements may also vary depending upon your country.

No expert on any of this, but hope this helps somehow! Good luck to you!

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#17 Post by drrick »

A mid course correction is a 're-start' in the middle so to speak. It is often used if the case isnt tracking appropriately or if you broke a tooth and needed a crown for example. It invilved taking new imprssions, new clincheck, etc. I dont know about your particular case (and perhaps Dr tam can comment here as he does more invisalign (I do mostly lingual as my invisible choice)

I dont think this situation is lawyer worthy yet but I can understand your disatisfaction. the fact that you cant bite doen after your veneers lead me to believe that the back of the veneer needs some adjutment -- but it could also be that the lowers need to come back and that is why there is a prematurity.

I think you really need to sit down and talk with your doc and express your concerns. Most doc want their pts to be happy and I am sure a resolution for this can be found.
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#18 Post by leevshan »

Phantom Muse wrote:In my particular case, my fee covers the initial trays, a mid-course correction if needed, and three refinements. I am in Chicago, and I am paying $5050 for all of this, including retention. It is unlikely I will need three refinements, let alone a mid-course correction, but my ortho's rate was similar to the others I consulted initially, so I may be paying a little extra just for the security of everything working out as I'd like.

One refinement is used up each time my ortho submits an order for new trays. For instance, my lowers have only seven trays and my uppers have twelve. If I wanted to do refinements on my lowers before my uppers were completed, that would count as one refinement (with two still left). However, I will probably wait until my uppers are done and do the refinements on both arches together. Because refinements for both arches are being submitted at the same time, that still only counts as one refinement - so I'd still have two left.

If your situation works like mine, you should still be entitled to refinements. I guess, however, this all does depend upon what you paid for. I think the number of refinements may also vary depending upon your country.

No expert on any of this, but hope this helps somehow! Good luck to you!
What if you need more than 3 refinement trays, do you have to pay the $200 for each excess tray?

I was told by my ortho that Invisalign will give 2 free refinement trays, but he's pretty sure that I won't need them. I'm not sure about this, coz from what I read here, most people definitely need refinements.
I actually asked my ortho again about refinements, but he said if the final result is similar to the clincheck, then I won't need refinements. And again he convinced me that I won't need them. :?

Phantom Muse
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#19 Post by Phantom Muse »

A refinement does not refer to the number of trays you will receive. For instance, if I finish my current set (for me it is 7L/12U) and I am still hoping for additional movement, my ortho will order a refinement. It is likely that refinement will be fewer trays than my original 7L/12U, but it could be more. No matter how many trays I need, that is one refinement.

If I finish THAT set and am still in need of more adjustment, my ortho can order yet another refinement of trays. After that (heaven forbid!), I would still be able to get one more complete set of refinement trays.

I never actually looked at my clincheck, but things are moving ahead just fine. From my understanding, the clincheck is just a guide and may not be absolutely exactly the way your teeth will respond to treatment.

That being said, if your ortho said you are eligible for two refinements, he most likely did not mean just two refinement trays. In fact, if all is progressing as desired, there is a possibility you won't need refinements at all. I am hoping I won't need them, and although many do have them, there are plenty of lucky patients who do not need them!

Hope this helps! :)

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#20 Post by leevshan »

Ah, I see, I always thought refinement is the number of tray :lol:

But I'm sure that my ortho said something about Invisalign won't give more than 2-3 trays, not 2-3 refinements. I better check again next time I see him.
Hopefully I won't need any refinement so I won't have to deal with this refinement confusion hehehe....

thanks Phantom Muse :D
I hope you are one of those lucky patients, too :wink:

Phantom Muse
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#21 Post by Phantom Muse »

Thanks... me too! :)

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