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Will I be able to use Invisalign? (Pics inside)

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:02 pm
by Ddub618
Hello, I have been waiting to have enough money for braces for many many years. I am now 18 and have enough money to get whatever kinda I please or can use! I am very excited about fixing my smile and being more confident instead of hiding my smile like i always do. It affects me alot and really makes me less self confident. Alot of people tell me its not worth it and its not noticable and blah blah but its something i need to do for myself...even though i am worried about how it will affect my dating life especially at my age getting ready for college. Anyways I was wondering if my case would be able to use Invisalign to fix the problem. Or just your opinion on what i should do about it. I would also love to hear if anyone had the same problem as i do on my teeth and how long it took and hear about their story. It would really help out for me. Here is a picture of what my smile currently looks like.... ... MG0149.jpg

Thanks in advance

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:45 am
by Lilypad
You will want to get a couple of consults (in the usa they are usually free, just ask). I'd say go for whatever it takes, you will never regret it! :D

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:20 am
by dojo
Your ortho should know better. I had a "nasty" canine myself and worked with Damon. Maybe this would be a good idea. It's indeed a visible system and "unpleasant' for some since they're metal braces, but the system works wonders and is very effective. The price is also pretty "good", but it's worth any buck ;)

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:30 pm
by Festivus
Do yourself a favor and find a Premier Provider that has experience with difficult cases. I have 12 attachments, the problem canine having the biggest one. But it grips, and that canine IS coming down. I'm on 9 of 38. It can be done, best of luck whichever way you go.

Clincheck: ... _front.gif

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:40 pm
by Chris1960

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 7:18 pm
by brittany
If it werent for that tooth on top, it looks like you could. Maybe you could have that one pulled and have an implant put in once theres room for it?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:52 pm
by jennicakes
had invisalign, and some of my teeth did come down....if invisalign won't do it, why not go with regular ceramics to get the hardest stuff fixed, then switch to invisalign for the rest. you are starting college and you don't want to be stuck with braces for the majority of your 4 years there. if you do both ceramics and invisaign, you may only need the braces for a year. you or your ortho can decide when you want them to come off.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:20 pm
by shinyRiver
I, being 21 (with a canine quite like yours,) and newly braced (also because I never had the $ before,) I feel well-qualified to offer some input.

Here's my smile:

My dentist was quite enthusiastic about me getting braces and was very encouraging. I get all my dental stuff done at Ohio State University's College of Dentistry, which also has an orthodontics program. My dentist suggested to my consulting orthodontist that perhaps I should get invisalign, because I was 21 and probably not into the whole metal mouth thing. She said no, not really possible considering the crowding and the canine, but that your regular metal braces could do wonders.

My philosophy is that if you're going to have braces when you're in my situation- 21, crazy canine, obviously in need of orthodontic intervention- you might as well just do it. I don't believe in ceramic brackets, they don't fool anyone. I don't thing silver ligs look more "grown up". Everyone was going to know that I had braces, just like everybody knows my teeth are crooked. You have to work with what you've got.

I don't think they're a drain on my confidence, or have affected my overall appearance or attractiveness at all. I've just got a big shiny metal smile. I'm like the bionic woman. If anything, they make me sexier!

A lot of guys might think "yeah, not so with guys" but i don't agree. I think guys look good with braces, too. they're cute. not anthony michael hall in the breakfast club, but more like abercrombie and fitch model two years before he started modeling. It's an investment in yourself, and you should be proud of it. A lot of really studly guys started out with really crooked teeth. (Tom Cruise, DUH! He was cute even BEFORE the braces, mirite?!)

Anyway, I'm not saying that there is ANYTHING wrong with invisalign or ceramic brackets or linguals or any less-visible type of treatment. I'm just saying that if you DO end up having to have a big shiny smile, you should be proud of yourself for saving up that money, and excited about your new smile- not worried about what people will think.