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Not Happy!

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:57 pm
by SmilingsMyFavorite
I had braces when I was a kid, but apparently they did a pretty crappy job. So now that I'm older I decided to get them officially fixed. I'm very self-conscious about my teeth so braces was clearly not an option, so I decided to spend the extra money and do Invisalign.

Went through the whole process and went in about a week ago to get my first aligners...and they put attachments on all my front upper teeth!!!! I know I'm self-conscious, but it looks horrible. Horrible. I left the appointment and cried for the rest of the afternoon. Granted it is not as visible as braces, but this is far from invisible! Without the attachments it would be okay, but the attachments are very obvious. I normally smile very widely, now I am embarassed when I even crack a smile.

I'm really upset that I have spent so much money on something that is so noticeable. My teeth aren't in that bad of shape and I barely have any motivation to wear the aligners, other than the large chunk of money I have already sunk into this. Also, I am in drinking social situations on a regular basis, I love to hang around and drink beer/wine, I did not think of the impact this would have on that until I got the aligners. I was unaware that I was signing up to alter my drinking/eating habits.

Anyone else feel so depressed when they first started? Any suggestions? (magical tips on how to make attachments less visible would be greatly appreciated!!!)

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:55 am
by Leelee
I'm sorry that you're feeling so down about your treatment, but try to think about the end results. Honestly, that was my greatest motivator to brush my teeth right after eating/drinking and put the aligners back in. Well, that and not getting cavities :wink: There's really no way to make your attachments less noticeable, but the best advice I can give you is to not care what anyone thinks. You're improving your smile, and you should be proud of that!

I guess it comes down to whether or not it's worth it to alter a little bit of your lifestyle for several months or to have teeth that make you self conscious. It gets better, trust me.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 4:30 am
by ILoveNiceTeeth
I can relate to your experience although I don't have attachments on my front teeth but I do have them on my canines onwards (10 in total)... I was really self conscious about the invisaligns that i was trying not to talk but let me reassure you, this phase will pass and you wouldnt really care BECAUSE people REALLY cannot see them... for instance... I started a new job about two weeks ago... and I'll always pass on the coffee rounds or when offered snacks... this was getting really awkward and they must have thought I was really anti-social... so I had to come out and they were like "what braces? I can't see them!"... they had to look really closely... and they all thought it was cool... most didnt even know about invisaligns....

dont worry about it... the fact that you will end up with really nice teeth is enough incentive to keep them in... and i now find myself telling people about my braces anyways.... I'm so proud of it!

I'm miserable too

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:55 am
by amycrd
Yeah got mine yesterday, and I have had to get attachments on all my upper front teeth too - they are not even the same colour as my teeth because my teeth are slightly different colours, and I hate them! Also because of them when I try to get my aligners out it feels like I am ripping all my teeth out. It is really horrible and I wish I had never bothered spending all that money as my teeth weren't all that bad anyway. Apparently the front ones need moving down, which is why I have to have the attachments on them all for a year! Any tips on painless removal would be greatly appreciated, especially as I have no nails and can literally not move them without resorting to a crochet hook. Thanks. :(

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 10:02 am
by little*miss*sunshine
I have just had attachments put on, and although I feel they are obvious-I am not really that fussed because I'd much rather have them loking unsightly for a few months than FOREVER.

I use a toothpick to unhook my aligners, as I have short nails and they do not help at all when it comes to removing them. Hope this helps! :D

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:39 am
by Wildewoman
I am new here & am only on my 2nd set of aligners.

I didn't realize there were so many rules when I signed up for the Invisalign. When they told me no coffee with them in (this was after all the appointments, the money paid & I was there to get my first set) I was like - WHAT?? Then she told me I had to wear them for 22 hours a day!! I was a little put out - but I am showing everybody all of it. I am a very open person so the whole world knows I have braces. When I got the attachments last week - I thought I looked like a monster - but I went & showed everyone (even at church).

I figure in 15 months I will have perfect teeth so right now my motto is "GRIN and bare it!"

That's a braces joke!!

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:56 am
by SmiingsMyFavorite
Keep with it, you always notice them more than anyone else. I just finished 32 uppers and most people never noticed.

P.S. my name was supposed to be yours exactly, but I had a typo and can't fix it:( Elf is the best!