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Office Etiquette

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:22 pm
by amber10101
Hi All,

Today was the first day with Invisalign that I've had to clean up after lunch in the office.

I work at a college, so my options are: staff break room, public bathroom used by about a billion students and staff, private restroom reserved for folks with disabilities or just be dirty and gross all day.

I opted for the staff break room. I know, it's not the coolest to brush your teeth in the "kitchen" area, but such is life, right?

Well, I'm in there today brushing away, as politely as I can, and as I'm cleaning up the aligners, my boss's boss walks in. She says "Oh, I'm doing Invisalign too! I just don't have my trays in right now." I asked how she was liking it, she looked at me, looked at the sink and said "It's a pain, I wish I'd just done regular old metal braces." I responded that I had those when I was a kid, but they sure did hurt a lot more than the Invisalign, yeah, it's a pain to have to clean 'em all the time, but you've gotta brush braces too!

I headed back to my desk to return my tooth brush before heading off to my appointment. As I was walking past the break room, I see the lady, and she's talking to another co-worker saying "Can you believe she actually brushed her teeth in the kitchen!?!?" She was saying it like some gossipy school girl! This, from an associate dean? The other woman just said something like "Well, let's just not think about it too much." I of course, just kept walking.

I don't want to embarrass my boss's boss and confront her about this gossipy junk, I don't want her to think less of me (it's not like this is just a temporary job, it's my career) and I don't want to go around with gross teeth all day. I don't want to brush up in the private bathroom for people with disabilities and I don't really want to use the general bathrooms.

Any advice? Did I violate some sort of conduct rule by brushing my teeth in the sight of others? Where do you all freshen up while at work?



Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:47 pm
by Horton
i live in 1 house with my freinds and 1 time did 1 of them wash his teeth in the kitchen sink but we all think this was not nice 2 spit out in that sink where we make food.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:55 am
by Wobblydeb
I'm in a university too, and the nearest bathroom is a public one. It was odd at first brushing with a gaggle of students watching me out of the corner of their eyes, but I've learnt to ignore them ;) Luckily it doesn't get too busy other than when lectures finish nearby. I find if I avoid those times its not too bad :)

Otherwise I'd go hide in the disabled bathroom :)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:21 am
by jnet
I think it's really gross to brush & spit in the kitchen sink. Especially a semi-public one. In my opinion, and probably the opionion of most of your co-workers, you should do your brushing in the bathroom.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:59 am
by amber10101
Humm, interesting. Thanks for your feedback. It's not my intent to make anyone uncomfortable - but we all have different opinions about what is or is not acceptable or gross.

So, am I going to gross people out while brushing in the bathroom? I can't make it home every day for meals - I'm sometimes at work for 13 + hours a day, and need to eat lunch and dinner at work, so I've gotta figure something out!

It just makes more sense to me to use the break room, it's right there, and takes me 2 minutes rather than taking an extra 10 or so on to trek off to the bathroom.

Anyway, thanks!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:44 am
by myhollywoodsmile
I would have no problem seeing someone brush their teeth in a public bathroom, in fact I do it all the time.

I must confess though, that I find it slightly distasteful to think of someone brushing in a kitchen sink. Sorry, I'm not sure why, I just don't like the idea.

I think you are probably better off using the general bathroom.

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:24 pm
by smeepee
Im an academic too. I started using the disabled toilet but got some mean looks from people so now I use the regular bathroom. There's 2 doors to get to it so if I hear the one I run into a cubicle so no1 can see me! lol Been caught once though, by a fellow lecturer, but she never mentioned it (not to me anyway!). It just has to be done!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:17 pm
by amber10101
Yeah, I can't really use the accessible bathroom - I work in disability services, so it's a big no no - especially for me. :)

I've started using the restrooms for brushing up - and it is a bit of a pain since I often have other materials with me, so I end up holding papers and binders while I brush trying to use the sink with those automatic sensors instead of regular knobs.

Such is life though - you are right smeepee - it just has to be done!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 1:03 am
by John37
It might be good to apologize for using the kitchen sink and say that after you did it you realized it probably wasn't the most appropriate option. Explain that being new to Invisalign you weren't thinking straight and hadn't thought through your options.

I actually don't think what you did was that bad. I think if everything gets washed down the drain, then it's not really making the sink have any more germs. But it would be good to apologize just to clear the air.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:36 pm
by miss25
I think you should also apologize. I really would not like the idea of seeing someone brush thier teeth in the same sink I use to prepare my food.

It is way more normal for me to see someone do it in a public bathroom as I have seen many many times. I always admired how they were taking such good care of thier teeth and wishing I werent so lazy to do the same thing! when I get my braces I plan on usg public restrooms, not a big deal to me. But please never use the break room again, it is for everyone and I am sure most people will feel the same.

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:26 pm
by 24braceface
I never brush in public. The thought of brushing in a public restroom or public sink grosses me out. Also, I can see where other people would find it gross to see me brushing and spitting in a public sink or area. Look, it's not always feasible to brush EVERYTIME after you eat. Here are your options:

1) Don't eat until after school or work.
2) Instead of eating drink a banana smoothie (something that won't stain your aligners, or you can pop out your aligners, drink a smoothie, and pop them back in)
3) Eat foods that don't make your breath stink. Snack on grapes or even a breakfast cinammon bar.
4) Rinse your mouth with water. Or get some travel mouth wash and rinse after you eat.
5) If you have to brush, get a paper cup, fill it with water, go out to your car and put some toothpaste on a toothbrush and brush there.
6) If you eat and put your aligners back in you'll be fine, you just need to brush when you get home.

That's my advice. Hope everything works out for you.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:36 am
by PrincessLauren
I think kitchen sink is a little wrong, but then I prob wouldnt wash up in the toilet sinks either!

I don't see the problem with someone catching you cleaning your teeth in a bathroom/toilet. So what if someone see's, what are they going to do, accuse you of having good dental hygiene?!!

I would rather be known as the person who always cleans their teeth because of dental treatment then the person with bad teeth :-)