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pulling teeth "back" with Invisalign and elastics

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:10 pm
by cheeze
I am about 6 months into treatment with Invisalign. I had spacing of the upper front teeth as well as an "open-bite" in which the top and bottom front teeth are pushed too far forward. During my initial consultation the ortho. told me invisalign could be used for my case and that toward the end of treatment they may incorporate elastics to help pull the teeth back. At least this was my understanding of his explanation. Since starting invisalign the Dr. I had the initial consultation with relocated and my case was turned over to another ortho. I have since asked about the process of pulling my teeth "back" and she indicated there is no way to pull the teeth back, even with regular braces. I'm now very confused and disheartened as I was hoping my teeth could also be pulled back with this treatment. Can anyone tell me about their treatment involving invisalign with elastics and if that is intended to help pull the teeth back a certain degree. Thanks!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:21 am
by lyra silvertongue
I have elastics to pull my teeth back. It wasn't part of the original plan but my top teeth started going off track & moving forward so I got an elastic band fitted on one side to try to pull them back again. It's not my front teeth that are being pulled back though - it's my premolars and molars. Maybe it's different if it's your front teeth?

Sounds a bit strange that one ortho said it could be done & now this one is saying it can't

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:17 pm
by cheeze
Do you have elastics incorporporated with Invisalign treatment? It had been my understanding that my treatment would consist of wearing the aligners to close the spacing, then have a hole cut out of the aligners to put some regular brackets on with elastics to help pull the teeth back. Is this similar to how your treatment using elastics works? Do they continue to use the aligners and just put a few brackets, or would I have to switch to full traditional metal braces. Thanks!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:18 am
by lyra silvertongue
Yeah, my elastics are incorporated with Invisalign treatment. There's a hole cut out of the canine in my upper tray and second last tooth on the bottom tray. I have a tooth coloured attachment on the upper tooth and a small metal hook on the lower one. The tooth coloured one is kind of like regular invisalign attachments but a little bigger so the elastic doesn't fall off. There was no need to switch to metal braces.

I'll try & stick a photo up soon if I can figure out how to do it!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:28 am
by lyra silvertongue
Ok here's a photo of my elastic. Don't know how clear it is but there's a bit cut out of the aligners to fit the hooks in


Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:11 pm
by tizzy

I have a wee bit of an overbite so I have been fitted with elastics from the beginning of my plan. I was told that elastics help push teeth back as when your back teeth move backward your front ones have a tendency to move forward. So far everything is going quite well with my aligners and elastics. Its crazy how you can get so many different opinions sometimes. It can make things very confusing.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 5:54 am
by beebee22
Hi, I use elastics with invisalign, I have it attached from a notch cut into the plastic from my upper canine down to the back molar on both sides. I have a bad over bite and my treatment inviolves moving my back molars back to make room to pull my front teeth inwards to correct the overbite. My dentist said that without the constant pressure of the elastics the front teeth would move forwards. When my back molar on each side are as far back as they will go (aligner 13) they will screw the molars into my jaw bone and then use the back molars to pull the rest of the teeth so elastics needed for the first 26 week. I am on aligner 2 of 36 upper and 14 lower.
My dentist said that not many dentists will use invisalign with elastics as it is new technology but it works and invisalign will start making the aligners with elastic hooks on in a few years so that shows it works.
I hope this helps.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:16 am
by beebee22
Hi, I use elastics with invisalign, I have it attached from a notch cut into the plastic from my upper canine down to the back molar on both sides. I have a bad over bite and my treatment inviolves moving my back molars back to make room to pull my front teeth inwards to correct the overbite. My dentist said that without the constant pressure of the elastics the front teeth would move forwards. When my back molar on each side are as far back as they will go (aligner 13) they will screw the molars into my jaw bone and then use the back molars to pull the rest of the teeth so elastics needed for the first 26 week. I am on aligner 2 of 36 upper and 14 lower.
My dentist said that not many dentists will use invisalign with elastics as it is new technology but it works and invisalign will start making the aligners with elastic hooks on in a few years so that shows it works.
I hope this helps.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 5:06 pm
by lyra silvertongue
Hi beebee22

Thanks for the info. Sounds like there's a few of us here who have elastics to correct overbites/stop front teeth moving forward.

I don't know how long i'll need the elastic but I've had it for nearly 2 weeks now & am used to it so I don't mind having it for a long time if it works.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:56 am
by beebee22
Hi Lyra, did you find that the elastics rubbed the inside of your mouth at first making it a bit sore on the inside of your cheeks/lips? Mine are rubbing a bit at the moment and I am hoping it will pass.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:57 am
by lyra silvertongue
I found that the actual hooks rubbed the inside of my cheek, especially the one on my upper canine. It was pretty sore for a couple of days until I got used to it but now it's fine, I don't really notice it's there any more.

I'm sure it'll pass once your mouth gets used to it, it'll develop a resistance to the rubbing so that it's not sore anymore

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:49 pm
by beebee22
yeah I am sure it will calm down, just put some teething gel on it to try and numb it a bit but it stings real bad!! No pain no gain though hey? lol

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:58 am
by tizzy
My elastics cut right into my cheeks and it was very uncomfortable for a while. I actually had to pad my cheeks with flat cotton pads while I slept. My cheeks are totally used to it now though and I don't feel the elastics at all so I'm sure you will be okay too, may just take a couple of weeks.