Dry Mouth

Discussions about treatment with invisible braces that use clear aligners, such as Invisalign, OrthoClear, the Red White and Blue system, etc.

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Dry Mouth

#1 Post by Neil »

I'm about a month into 12 months of treatment, and the biggest problem for me is the discomfort of my mouth being dry after I've had them in for more than an hour or so. This is normally made worse if I have to talk a lot. The irony is that while I'm talking I find that my mouth fills with saliva more than normal.

Any ideas on how to solve this? Or is it just a case of sipping water throughout the day....?

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#2 Post by Wireless »

Having excess saliva when starting treatment is relatively common. This usually gets better in a few weeks.

I also have mouth dryness, due in part to medications that I'm on. Having water to sip during the day is very helpful. I also find it is a bigger problem when I'm giving presentations or involved with telephone conference calls. It always helps to have water available.

I'm into about four months of treatment and found it took about two months to really get used to my aligners.

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#3 Post by myhollywoodsmile »

Hi there,
I agree, I carry water everywhere. Not necessarily for a dry mouth but just because my mouth feels fresher inside my aligners if I rinse it regularly.
I think that this feeling should improve as you go through treatment.

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#4 Post by andrea26 »

i also experience lots of dryness in my mouth since i started my treatment.
I am now drinking litres of water every day . I am only in the second week so hopefully it will get a bit better.

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#5 Post by anastasia »

I had almost forgotten, but I had the same problem when I started. I used to carry around a water bottle everywhere and drink all the time. I also felt my mouth getting dry when I talked a lot, and I felt it gave me a bad breath too so I also carried around mouth spray.

It seems to be gone now, I'm not addicted to water anymore! Maybe the mouth kind of adjusts after a while.

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#6 Post by pompompadom »

I bought a load of little bottles of water to keep in the fridge. I try and carry a bottle everywhere as it helps with the dry mouth and the hunger!

I never drunk as much water as I should've anyway so its all good.

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#7 Post by Neil »

Thanks folks.

Have definitely been drinking more water than ever, which can only be a good thing!

This last week has been a lot easier, and it's all starting to feel less "alien" in my mouth.

Started sets 4/35 this morning....

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#8 Post by Lunatissima »

I had the same problem when I started Invisalign and talked to my ortho about it. Besides the "always have a bottle of water in your bag"-hint his assistant told me (she is also wearing Invisalign) that she has overcome this issue by having a chewing gum in her mouth almost all the time (of course the sugarfree version). I tried it, too - and failed miserably. The gum got stuck everywhere on the aligners. But for her it seems to be a pretty good thing. The only advise I would like to add - if you want to try it do it during the last hour of wearing time of an aligner as this will help to prevent a very exhausting cleaning session. :-)

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