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Special Occasions- How long can aligners be out at one time?

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:25 am
by Second Time Around
I eat 3 times per day and have the aligners out no longer than 1 hour at a time. I only drink water with the aligners in. Every so often there is a special occasion where a longer meal is served. In these cases, I have been leaving them out maximum 1.5 hours before getting up to brush my teeth. This means that I usually miss coffee/dessert, can't enjoy after dinner drinks, etc.. Sometimes I decline invitations as I don't feel I will truy be able to enjoy the event.

I wonder if I am being too hard on myself. I would appreciate opinions/experiences as to how long the aligners can realistically be left out at one time (without jeapordizing treatment) to accomodate the odd special event.

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:52 am
by Spooky Tooth
I've had the trays out for 3+ hours at one time for special occassions such as anniversary dinners; special here means 4 or 5 times during nine months of treatment. My ortho said give yourself a break on special occasions as long as you are disciplined the rest of the time.

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:07 pm
by Wireless
I do have my aligners out sometimes more than an hour for dinners out or special activities. I try to have mine in on the average of 21 to 22 hours a day. I do have quick meals at breakfast and lunch where I have them out less than 40 minutes. My big sacrifice is my second cup of coffee in the morning, which I have had to give up.

I don't decline invitations because of my braces. If I find I'm in an awkward position with food because of having my aligners in, I simply tell people I have plastic braces and I haven't had anyone respond poorly to this. I also bicycle and other activities where taking my aligners out is somewhat awkward when there are no facilities. I simply face away from everyone and take them out, which in my case requires both hands due to my attachments. I haven't noticed anyone really paying attention!!

Don't let this interfere with your social life!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:31 pm
by myhollywoodsmile
The longest I have ever had mine out for was 3 and a half hours this weekend and that was because I lost them. I eventually found them in my daughters bed wrapped up in the blankets, so I assume one of my children must have been playing some kind of game with them. YUCK!

After sterilising them I put them back in and they were tight, but not crazily so, and after a few hours they felt just as loose as before.

Under ordinary circumstances I do leave them out for around 2 hours for special meals etc and it doesn't seem to do much harm as I wear them very consisitently the rest of the time. I certainly don't miss dessert or coffee etc because of them- I can't, I love my food way too much for that!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:36 pm
by gdriftr
I leave mine out for about 4 hours on average once a week. Things seem to be going ok. I'm not saying it's alright to do what I do, just letting you know there are worse sinners than you...

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:21 pm
by Second Time Around
Thanks for your replies. It's great to get insights from people that are going through the same Invisalign experience. Overall I am very consistent about wearing the aligners minimum 21 hours per day. It seems like I would be able to leave them out slightly longer than I have been in order to enjoy special dinners (once a month is the frequency I'm referring to).

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:46 pm
by Rosieeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I only wear my aligners for around 14 hours a day...sometimes less and sometimes more and everything is going to plan!


Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:39 am
by jnet
Most days I have my aligners in for 21-22 hours, but probably once a week or so I will leave them out for 4 or 5 hours while I'm out to dinner or with friends. I left them out for 8 hours one day when I was on a float trip and forgot to put them back in before we took off. I have also left them out overnight twice when I simply forgot to put them back in before bed (I think I may have had a few too many drinks those evenings!). I am now on my last aligner, and every aligner has fit so far and my results are nearly perfect. I guess time will tell if I did any major root damage. Hopefully my teeth won't all fall out in 5 years - haha.

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:34 am
by Wireless
I think if you are reasonably conscientious most of the time there won't be any problems. I have a resorbed tooth root prior to treatment and I have had no problems. Invisalign is supposed to be better on tooth roots than fixed braces. I seriously doubt your teeth will fall out in five years!

Best of luck to Rosieeeeeeeeeeeeeee on your treatment plan!!