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Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:48 am
by jnet
Well I just switched to 33/33 a couple of days ago. Actually, I have 33 upper and 36 lower, but the ortho told me that the 3 additional aligners are for overcorrection and I may not need them. I am extremely happy with my results and can't wait to get my attachments off at my next appointment on 6/23 (hopefully)!

The only problem is that ever since I had shaving done on some of my bottom teeth (in between the 4 front teeth) they are sort of leaning to the side a bit. I had been hoping that they would straighten up by the end of my aligners, but it doesn't appear to be happening. I will, of course, ask my ortho if the overcorrection aligners will fix this, or if I will need refinements (ugh!). Has anyone else ever had this happen as a result of shaving? I understand that more room was needed, but they sat up straight before! If not for the leaning - my teeth are about as close to perfect as I could hope for! :D

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:29 pm
by Rosieeeeeeeeeeeeeee
You must have had some serious shaving going on!

Ive had mine 'shaved' twiced but think that its such a small difference that what I have had done is more like smoothing the teeth for movement rather than bits being shaved off.

How did your ortho/dentist do it?

Mine used this small strip of sandpapery stuff and ran it through a couple of my teeth about 5 or 6 times.

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:22 am
by jnet
Maybe I'm using the wrong terminology. It's also called IPR? They used a power tool that spins and put a little bit of space between each of the teeth. They don't lean too bad, but enough that I can see they are not standing straight up.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:31 am
by Wobblydeb
I wonder if its because the crown of the tooth has moved but not the root?

If you have a look at the thread Invisalign v Invisalign Teen there is a mention of how that happens in there...

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:43 am
by John37
Rosieeeeeeeeeeeeeee wrote:Mine used this small strip of sandpapery stuff and ran it through a couple of my teeth about 5 or 6 times.
This is the same way that my IPR was performed. My dentist never used a power tool. I only had 0.1mm shaved off between several teeth.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 5:24 pm
by Ems
my bottom teeth lean towards the left slighly and i didnt have any IPR on my bottom teeth only my top, am not too worried about that as you dont see your bottom teeth really i just hoping my top teeth turn out nice and straight. Am on tray 17 out of 24 and it looks like my second tooth in still needs twisting around (its on its side), i really cant see this happening in this short time do you think this may be possible? I change my trays every week and some weeks if my dentist cant fit me it i change them every 10 days. I have finished my bottoms 10L. [/quote]

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:44 am
by jnet
Went to the ortho this morning. He agreed that the bottoms were leaning a bit, but he just sanded them down a little so they were all level and you really can't tell at all now. So after 33 U/L I'm finally done. Woo hoo! They fitted me for a retainer and said I only have to wear my last set and the retainter (when I get it in 2 weeks) at night time. My 13 attachments are gone and I love my new smile!