Will my wisdom teeth hold me back?
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:43 am
Something is bothering me (I am a worrier, bad worrier! sorry).
I go for my consultation in a few weeks. I am worried about my wisdom teeth... that they're going to hold back the starting of my treatment.
My two upper ones have come through, but they are crooked (bottom of the tooth is facing towards my cheek... in a way they are growing out vertically towards my cheek rather than straight down). My lower right one is nowhere to be seen... for now. My lower left one has JUST come through the gum, I can only see the top of the tooth. There is still a bit of gum flapping back and forth over the top corner of it.
I went to see my regular dentist last week for a check up. He said he could see that the bottom left wisdom tooth is coming in severly crooked (I looked it up online and I think the correct term is it's 'impacted mesially'). It's tilting forward into my back Molar.
Why I am going for Invisalign: crooked teeth/overcrowded teeth. I do feel my teeth have come even more out of line since my upper wisdom teeth came through.
My question is, has anyone else had a similar case to mine (with wisdom teeth) and gone ahead with Invisalign? what happened?
I am worried I wont be able to go ahead with it until they are removed... you will all be thinking "ok, what's wrong with that". Well, the time I will have to wait! My dentist has referred me to the hospital (I am in the UK)... and the waiting time for just the hospital consultation is at least 4 months, then I will have to wait again to be booked in. So I could be waiting 6+ months altogether to get them removed.
In a way I am hoping I will be able to start treatment and get them removed during treatment.
I have phoned around and found a couple of oral surgeons in my area who can remove wisdom teeth and impacted ones at their surgery, but it's SO expensive I just cannot afford it. £150 per tooth, that isn't including consultation, x-rays etc etc. So could total upto about £250 or more per tooth
Something is bothering me (I am a worrier, bad worrier! sorry).
I go for my consultation in a few weeks. I am worried about my wisdom teeth... that they're going to hold back the starting of my treatment.
My two upper ones have come through, but they are crooked (bottom of the tooth is facing towards my cheek... in a way they are growing out vertically towards my cheek rather than straight down). My lower right one is nowhere to be seen... for now. My lower left one has JUST come through the gum, I can only see the top of the tooth. There is still a bit of gum flapping back and forth over the top corner of it.
I went to see my regular dentist last week for a check up. He said he could see that the bottom left wisdom tooth is coming in severly crooked (I looked it up online and I think the correct term is it's 'impacted mesially'). It's tilting forward into my back Molar.
Why I am going for Invisalign: crooked teeth/overcrowded teeth. I do feel my teeth have come even more out of line since my upper wisdom teeth came through.
My question is, has anyone else had a similar case to mine (with wisdom teeth) and gone ahead with Invisalign? what happened?
I am worried I wont be able to go ahead with it until they are removed... you will all be thinking "ok, what's wrong with that". Well, the time I will have to wait! My dentist has referred me to the hospital (I am in the UK)... and the waiting time for just the hospital consultation is at least 4 months, then I will have to wait again to be booked in. So I could be waiting 6+ months altogether to get them removed.
In a way I am hoping I will be able to start treatment and get them removed during treatment.
I have phoned around and found a couple of oral surgeons in my area who can remove wisdom teeth and impacted ones at their surgery, but it's SO expensive I just cannot afford it. £150 per tooth, that isn't including consultation, x-rays etc etc. So could total upto about £250 or more per tooth