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Considering Invisalign

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:48 pm
by Zoso
I'm new here but I've read up quite a bit on things, so I'm privy to most of those little things in the Invisalign world that you never would've thought about simply by seeing the commercials (or going to the Invisalign website).

I have a pretty straight bite. My problem is with the middle 6 on the top. The left incisors are pushed in a bit, and the canines out. I want a perfect arch on top, just like I have on bottom. It's pure vanity and I would have no problem admitting that--no "it's for my bite" stories from me. And I have a few shape/length issues on said problem teeth, so filing would be in order too. It's a legit desire. My flaws stand out in pictures where there is clear detail on the teeth. Needless to say, those never make the cut for my photo collections.

So, does anyone ever get top-only Invisalign? Given the lifestyle impediments the system brings about, I'd prefer to keep it as simple as possible. And I sure don't want to wear two retainers forever.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:38 am
by DrJasonKTam
You can always elect to wear aligners on one arch only. However, keep in mind that Invisalign does not offer a single arch product. Therefore, you should not expect any difference with respect to fees.

Good luck!

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:24 am
by Wireless
I do have a friend that has a bottom only tray. However, you may find in an Ortho consultation that adjustments are needed to both arches for everything to work out.

You are on target with your comment on lifestyle impact. In my case, I have several circumstances where Invisalign is especially difficult including air travel, outdoor sports (cycling), and occasional long business luncheons / dinners. When you are considering treatment, keep in mind that it could be extended by mid-course corrections or refinements and can you deal with the inconvenience for an extended period.

Regarding "retainers forever" I have first-hand experience with what happens without them - which I why I'm on this board. My last ortho was by a family dentist 20 years ago who didn't think long term retention was necessary. Oops!!! My wife, who never had braces has also had problems with unwanted tooth moving causing problems. Since I've started ortho treatment, I'm finding out some of my friends have night appliances not related to ortho work, such as night splints - you don't need to have braces to have this stuff!! When you do your ortho assessment, this is something you definitely need to discuss.

If you are unhappy with your teeth, it's probably a good idea to have an ortho consultation and discuss options, including concerns you have about lifestyle impact. Orthos typically do this for free and you won't have any commitments to proceed unless you really want to.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:33 am
by Cheeeese
Wireless, I will be travelig next week... what sort of problems does invisalign impose for travelling?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:20 am
by Zoso
DrJasonKTam wrote:You can always elect to wear aligners on one arch only. However, keep in mind that Invisalign does not offer a single arch product. Therefore, you should not expect any difference with respect to fees.

Good luck!
I've seen pictures of people with metal on one arch and Invisalign on the other. Or perhaps you mean one cannot move an arch without moving the other--in some fashion--when using Invisalign. (?)

One plus about Inv. for me is that I'm a grinder, and I imagine a tray retainer could kind of a double as a night guard.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:15 pm
by Wireless
Cheeeese, I assume you're traveling by air? I don't have that much trouble by auto as I can have my travel kit in the car and go to restaurant restrooms. I'll start a different thread on Invisalign and Frequent Fliers. I'll probably be able to update with some new war stories after a transcontinental trip in a couple of weeks!

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:35 pm
by smilesunset
Hi Zoso, I have Invisalign only on top, but I have fixed braces on my bottom arch. Something to bear in mind is how your top and bottom teeth will meet if you move only the top teeth. Definitely one to ask your orthodontist about. And I think what Dr. Tam was getting at with the comment about fees was that Invisalign will charge the same, whether you are treating one arch or both. Sad, but true!

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:05 pm
by Zoso
smilesunset wrote:Hi Zoso, I have Invisalign only on top, but I have fixed braces on my bottom arch. Something to bear in mind is how your top and bottom teeth will meet if you move only the top teeth. Definitely one to ask your orthodontist about. And I think what Dr. Tam was getting at with the comment about fees was that Invisalign will charge the same, whether you are treating one arch or both. Sad, but true!
I see what he meant.

I think I could almost get by with just moving the front 6, and with a little shaving in a few areas. I'm not concerned with saving money by doing only one arch, I just really prefer to have only one tray to deal with.

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:54 pm
by Lilypad
Hi all! :-1 I did Invisalign on just the top. My ortho said I could do just them IF the molds showed there was room and it wouldnt throw off my bite. I got a price of 5400 for both or 3900 for just the top. After a year of it I was really glad i chose just the top. I felt like it was 1/2 the hassle. Also, I still wear my retainer nightly,(prob forever) so I'm glad to just have the one. A funny story....when I went for my year retainer check, my ortho started freakin out and asking me if I was wearing my retainers nightly. I assured him I wore it EVERY night. He said....hmmmm, we have a problem.....we have alot of rotation with one of your teeth. I was just sick until I realized he was looking at one of my bottom teeth! :biglaf:

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:09 pm
by Lilypad
By the way.....I only moved my front top 7 teeth....worked for me!

Me before Invisalign :GapToothed:

Me during Invisalign :-} :soremouth:

Me after Invisalign :HugeGrin:

And I know what you mean about focusing on your teeth in pictures...I had quit smiling. That is what confirmed my decision to get Invisalign. It was absolutely the best thing I have ever done for myself, even with an unexpected frenectomy thrown in. Ironically, now when I look at pictures I'm focusing on how BADLY I could use an eyejob!!!!! Ha Ha Ha

Top Only Invisalign

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:39 pm
by jjrp434
If you just want to get your top teeth straightened, this may be possible, but sometimes this may not totally work because your bite may prevent your teeth from moving properly. Thought you just want your top teeth straightened, your doctor may still want you to wear a lower Invisalign aligner so that your lower teeth do not shift. The best thing to do is to see your orthodontist to see if this can be done.

hello every one

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:12 am
by clark40
One plus about Inv. for me is that I'm a grinder, and I imagine a tray retainer could kind of a double as a night guard.


Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:23 pm
by Steph in Sac
My previous regular dentist was willing to do Invisalign on just my bottom teeth. I never took him up on it, so I don't know the fee he would've proposed. My orthodontist said I'd have to order the whole set and could only wear one if I wished. (I ended up with just ICE braces on the bottom. They're not so terrible.) So, my point is, you can probably get what you want depending on who you talk to.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:22 pm
by myhollywoodsmile
You can do one arch, but honestly, it makes little difference. Normally you get charged the same and to be honest very rarely are people's teeth so perfect on one arch that there is nothing to improve. Also, moving the upper teeth changes your bite and could cause you problems so orthodontists usually prefer to work on both at the same time.

Good Luck

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:55 pm
by louw27
I only need my teeth straightening at the top - the bottoms are dead straight so when the ortho said I needed them top and bottom I was really surprised.
But he said it's the whole bite that needs to change and that I needed both top and bottom treating to make them perfect.
I say go with it - if you're going to have the tops it's not much more of a hardship to have both!
Do it - it's fab!